BS EN ISO 11591:2019 download.Small craft-Field of vision from the steering position.
1 Scope
BS EN ISO 11591 specifies requirements for the field of vision from the steering position, forward (horizontally and vertically) and astern, for small craft up to 24 m length or hull (LH) in accordance with ISO 8666.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all or their content constitutes requiretrients of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 7010:-i). Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Registered safety signs
SOU66:2016. Small craft — Principal dow
ISO l0240:-2),Small craft — Owner’s manual
LSO11l922OQ5. Small craft — Graphical symbols
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of BS EN ISO 11591, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IF.C maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
high eye position
<standing operator> eye position 1 730 mm above the surface on which the operator (114) stands. 400 mm from the centre of the steering wheel rim
high eye position
<seated operator> eye position 840 mm above the Intersection of the compressed seat and the seat back, 400 mm from the centre of the steering wheel rim
low eye position
<standing operator> eye position 1 480 mm above the surface on which the operawr (114) stands. 400 mm from the centre of the steering wheel rim
tow eye position
<seated operator> eye position 690 mm above the intersection of the compressed seat and the seat- back. 400 mm from the centre of the steering wheel rim
level reference line
designated waterline of the craft determined for its operating conditions
human.powered craft
craft for which the primary means of propulsion is human power
sailing craft
craft for which the primary means of propulsion is wind power
power-driven craft
craft for which the primary means of propulsion Is an engine
planing mode
mode ol running of a craft in the sea such that its mass is significantly supported by forces coming from dynamic lift due to speed in the water
person steering the craft
normal condition of use
mode with regards to speed and load in which a craft Is typically operated
4 Requirements for all craft
4.1 General requirements
The following requirements shall be fulfilled under normal condition of use.
For craft having more than one steering position, at least one steering position shall meet the requirements of BS EN ISO 11591 and be designated ‘main steering position. Other steering positions that do not meet the requirements of this document shall display a sign at these positions, in clear view of the operator, with the ISO symbol for warning in accordance with 19.1 of ISO 11192:2005 or symbol
4.3 Field of vision — Astern
If permanent obstructions to vision exist, astern unobstructed visibility shall
be provided to the operator while maintaining control of the craft by:
— normal movement of the operator; or
— mirrors; or
— other means.
S Additional requirements for human-powered craft
5.1 General requirements
If the operator of a human-powered craft kneels, sits or stands with his back to
the course, it shall be ensured that the superstructure of the craft gives the
operator enough room to turn around frequently into the direction of travel to
comply with BS EN ISO 11591 (see CIau.se4).
6 Additional requirements for power-dnven craft with steering wheel or
equivalent fixed installed direction control
6.1 General requirements
A forward field of vision shall be provided directly In front of the operator’s
eye position throughout the vertical Field of vision and extending to at least
15 on either side of a line forward from the eye position (see Figure 1) to the
obstructed vision distance as specified In 4.22. ThIs may be achieved with
normal movement of the operator’s head while maintaining control of the craft.
6.1.1 The requirements for law eye position can be met by an operator’s seat
with vertical height adjustment.
6.1.2 From the designated main steering position, standing or seated, the
minimum vertical field of vision shall extend from the horizontal with respect
to the relevant high eye position to the unobstructed line of vision from the
relevant low eye position (see FIgures 2 and 3). whIle ensuring the horizontal
arc of vision specified in 42.1.
7 Additional requirements for sailing craft under sail or auxiliary power
7.1 General requirements
Fixed obstructions to vision shall be such that the field of vision requirements
as defined in llause4 during normal conditions of use can be maintained with
normal movement of the operator in the main steering position.
7.2 SaIls
Sails or parts thereof maybe transparent in order to comply with Claus4.
7.3 Steering means
Sailing craft shall be able to be steered by one or more wheels, tillers, or
other steering means. Tillers may have one or more articulating extensions
8 Owner’s manual
8.1 Human-powered craft
The owner’s manual shall be in accordance with 15010240 and shall include the following information.
a) Operator vision from the steering location might he obstructed due to one or more of the following variable conditions:
1) loading and load distribution;
2) speed:
3) sea conditions;
4) reduced visibility (i.e. from rain, darkness and fog);
5) persons or movable gear In the operator’s field of vision.
b) For craft with more than one steering location, those steering locations that do not meet the field of vision requirements shall display the following warning label where It can he seen hy the operator
WARNING —Vision from this steering location is limited. Maintain a lookout as required. cJ For craft with more than one steering location, the main steering position shall be specified.
ci) For craft where the operator kneels, sits or stands with his back to the craft’s course, the following warning label shall be displayed where it can be seen by the operator:
WARNING — Vision from this steering location Is limited. Maintain a lookout as required.
8.2 Power-driven craft
The owner’s manual shall be in accordance with 150 10240 and shall include the following information
a) Operator vision from the steering location might be obstructed by high trim angles of the craft and due to other factors caused by one or more of the following variable conditions:
1) propulsion unit trim angles (on craft equipped with a power trim system on the propulsion unit);
2) hull trim plane angles (on craft equipped with power operated trim pLanes or trim tabs on the transom);
3) loading and load distribution;
4) speed:
5) rapid acceleration;
6) transition from displacement to planing mode;
7) sea conditions;
8) reduced visibility (I.e. from rain, darkness and fog);
9) interior lights;
10) position of tops and curtains.
BS EN ISO 11591:2019 download
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