ISO 16834:2012 pdf free download.Welding consumables — Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits for gas shielded arc welding of high strength steels — Class if ication.
ISO 16834 recognizes that there are Iwo somewhat different approaches In the global market ID classifying a given wire electrode, wire, rod or deposit, and allows for either or both 10 be used to suit a particular market need. Application of either type of classification designation (or of both where suifable) identifies a product as classified in accordance with ISO 16834 The classification In accordance with system A Is mainly based on EN 12534:1999(11. The dassificallon In accordance with system B mainly based upon standards used around the Pacific Rim. Future revisions will aim to merge the two systems into a single classification system
ISO 16834 provides a classification for the designation ot wire electrodes. wires, rods and deposits in terms of their chemical composition and, where required, in terms of the yield strength. tensile strength and elongation of the all-weld metal The ratio of yield to tensile strength of weld metal is generally hi9(ier than that of the parent metal Users should note that matching weld metal yield strength to parent metal yield strength does not necessanly enswe that the weld metal tensile strength matches that of the parent material. Thus, where the application requires rnalching tensile strength, selection of the consumable should be made by reference to column 3of Table 1A or 1 B. as appropnate.
ISO 16834 specifies requirements for classification of wire electrodes, wires, rods and all- weld metal deposits in the as-welded condition and in the post-weld heat-treated (PWHT) condition for gas shielded metal arc welding and tungsten inert-gas welding of high-strength steels with a minimum yield strength greater than 500 PAPa, or a rnwiimum tensile strength grealer than 570 PAPa. One wire electrode can be tested and classified with different shwldlng gases.
ISO 16834 s a combined specification providing for classification utilizing a system based upon the yield strength and the average Impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal, a utilizing a system based upon the tensile strength and the average impact energy of 27 J & all-weld metal.
e) Clauses. suticlauses and tables which carry the suffix letter ‘A’ are applicable only to wire electrodes. wires, rods and deposits classified according to the system based upon the yield strength and the average lrlwact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal under this International Standard.
f) Clauses, sttclauses and tables which carry the suffix letter S’ are applicable only to wire electrodes. win rods and deposits classified according to the system based upon the tensile strength and the average inwact energy of 27 J of all-weld metal under this International Standard.
g) Clauses, subclauses and tables which do not have either the suffix letter ‘K or the suffix letter ‘B’ are applicable toal wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits classified under this International Standa’d.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (includmg any amendments) applies.
ISO 544, Wekleig consumables — Technical dellvesy conditions for filler ,nafectals and fluxes — Type of product, dimensions, tolerances end markings
ISO 13916. Wekllrig— Guidance on the measurement of preheating femperatcn. lnferpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
ISO 14175:2006, Welding consumables — Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied processes ISO 14344. Welding consumables — Procurement of filler melenats and fluxes
15015792-1:2000, WeldIng consumables — Tesf methods — Part 1: Test methods br all-weld metal fast specunens in steel, nickel and nickel alloys
15060000-1:2009, Ouant,ties arrdunjfs — Per? 1: General
7 Rounding procedure
For purposes of determining comphance with the requirements of ISO 16834, the actual test values obtaried shall be subject to ISO 80000-1:2009, B.3. Rule A. If the measured values are obtained by equipment calibrated In units other than those of ISO 16834, the measured values shall be converted to the units of ISO 16834 before roundmg. If an arithmetic average value is to be compared to the requirements of ISO 16834, rounding shall be done only after calculating the afltbmetic average. If the test method cited in Clause 2 contains instructions for rounding that conflict with the Instructions of ISO 16834, the roundlng-requwements of the test method standard shall apply The rounded results shall fuifli the requirements of the approphate table for the classification under lest.
8 Retest
If any test fads to meet the requwement, that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both refests shall meet the requirement. Specimens for the retest may be taken from the orinal test piece or from a new test piece. For chemical analysis, relests need only be for those specific elements that failed to meet the test requwement If the results of one or both retests fall to meet the requirement, the rnatenal under test shall be considered as not meeting the requirements of this specification for that classification
In the event that, during preparation or after completion of any test. il is clearly determined that prescribed or proper proceckires were not followed in preparing the weld test piece or test specimen(s), or in conducting the tests, the test shall be considered Invalid, without regard to whether the test was actually completed, or whether the test results met, or failed to meet, the requirement. That test shall be repeated, following proper presalbed procedures. In this case, the requwement for doubling the number of test specimens does not apply.
9 TechnIcal delivery conditions
Technical delivery condItions shall meet the requirements in ISO 544 and ISO 14344.
lOB Classification by tensile strength and 27 .1 Impact energy
The designabon of the wire eleclrode. wires and rods and deposits shall follow the principle given in the example below.
EXAMPt& 18
A wad deposil produced by gas shielded metal ac
welding (6) ha4ig a nnnum tensile strength of
690 lAPs (69) and a mwiinw average impact energy of
27 J at —60’C (8) wider mixed gas (M2t) using the wire
N2M3T In the as waded condition (A) Is designated as
ISO 16834.8- G GSA 6 M21 N2M3T
A wire electrode coniplywig with the chemical requirement of N2M3T in Table 38 is designated as lollows:
ISO 16834-8 — G N2M3T
ISO 16834-8 is the number of this International
Standard, with ctassacation by tensile strength and
27 J irwact energy:
S designates a wire electrode andfor deposit gas shielded metalarcwelt5ng (see4 1);
69* S the strength and elongation in the as-welded condition (see Tabte 18):
61s the impact properbee in the as-welded conion (see Table 2):
M2l is the ahlelding gas (ass 4.4
N2M3T is the chemical npos4ion of th. wire electrode (see Table 38).
A weld deposit by tungsten eieet gas welding (W) having a nwuknum tensile strength oF 620 MPa (62) and a mlnirnwn
average Irirect energy of 27.0 a
– 600 (6) under argon shad (II) using the wêelrod N2M3 In the post-weld heat-treated condeion (P) si designated as tollows:
ISO 16834-8 – W 62P Gil N2td3.
ISO 16834:2012 pdf free download
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