ISO 13795:2012 download free.Ships and marine technology — Ship’s mooring and towing fittings — Welded steel bollards for sea-going vessels.
ISO 13795 specItes the design, size and technical requirements for welded steel bollards suitable for Installation on sea.going vessels to meet normel mooflng and towIng requirements.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are Indispensable br the application of this documenl For dated relerences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the relerenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IMO Circular MSCJC1rc,1175, Guidance on shipboard towing and macarc equipment
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of ISO 13795, me followwig terms arid definitions apply.
sal. working load
maximum load in kN on the rope that should normally be applied in service conditions
maximum load on the rope applied to a bollard subjected to tug boat pull by using an eye splice at the end of the towing rope to connect to the bollard
4 Classification
4.1 Type
Depending an the construction, wekied steel bollards shall be classified as the following two types:
— Type A – with compact base plate:
— Type B – with wide base plate.
4.2 NomInal sizes
The nominal sizes. fl of bollards are denoted by reference to the outside diameter of the post, in millimetres. Ii terms of the nearest number drawn from a basic series of preferred numbers. For the bollards havIng the same post diameter, the nominal size is followed by an alphabetical character for the different SWL.
The nominal sizes are: 150, 200, 250A, 250B, 300A, 3008, 350A, 3508. 400k 40DB, 450A. 45DB, 500A. 5006. 550A. 550B and 600,
5 Dimensions
Bollards have dimensions and particulars in accordance with Tables I and 2, and FIgures 1 and 2.
6 Materials
The materials of the following components shall be used for manufacturing the bollards:
— Plates. weldable steel plates having a ywld point of not less than 235 Nftnm2.
— Post tubes: weldable steel plates having a yield point of not less than 235 N/mm2 or equivalent steel tubes.
7 Construclion
7.1 The posts of the bollards shall be constructed from steel tubes or formed from plate.
7.2 Theftnssliallbe.nstledlokeeptheropesaslowaspoesablesoastoreducetheloedstothebollard poets tram the mooring/towing ropes.
7.3 The eye plate for tying the stopping-off rope or chain shall be provided.
8 Manufacturing and inspection
81 Al surfaces of the bollards induding welding shall be free from any visible flaws or Imperfections.
8.2 Alt surfaces in contact with the ropes shall be free from surface roughness or irregularities likely to cause damage to the ropes by abrasion
8.3 The bollarcis shal be coated externally with an anti-corrosion protective finish.
8.4 A low-ffichor, surface coating is not recommended so as to Increase the holding force of the mooring
ropes under figure-cf-eight belay.
9 Marking
9.1 The sate working load (SM.) intended for the use of the bollards shall be noted In the towing and mooring plan available on board for the guidance of the shipmaster as specAtled in MSC?Circ.1175.
92 The actual SWLOn board shall be de(emned by considerIng the under ded reinforcement. and it shall be marked on the towing and mooring plan. The actual SM. shall not be over the SWI indicated In ISO 13795.
9.3 The bollards shall be clearty marked with theE SM. by weld bead or equivalent The SM. shall be expressed in tonnes (letter f) and be placed so that it is not obscured during operation of the fitting.
9.4 In case the bolard Is used both for mooring and Lowing, the marlung shall be provided as below:
Both SWLS for mooring and towing purposes shalt be marked.
EXAMPLE2 row xxxt.
ISO 13795:2012 download free
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