ISO 1:2016 pdf free download.Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Standard reference temperature for the specification of geometrical and dimensional properties.
ISO 1 is a geometrical product specification (GPS) standard and is to be regarded as a fundamental GPS Standard (see ISO 14638:2015111). For mare detailed inforniation on the relationship of ISO 1 to other standards and the GPS matrix model, see AnnexB.
The definitions of the units. Including those of length and temperature, are adopted by the General Conference of Weights and Measures (CGPM) under the authority of the Convention of the Metre. These definitions are maintained in the SI brochurc.ll
The unit of length, the metre. is independent of temperature. The current definition of the metrelbl is based on the distance light travels in vacuum during a unit of time. However, a physical object Is subject to thermal expansion and consequently. Its geometrical and dimensional properties are dependent on Its temperature. Specifying a reference temperature allows the geometrical and dimensional properties of a physical object to be unambiguously stated.
1 Scope
ISO 1 dellnes the concepts of a rcfercnce temperature and of the standard reference temperature, and specifies the standard reference temperature value for the speclfkation of geometrical and dimensional properties of an object. Some examples of geometrical and dimensional properties include size, location, orientation (including angle), form and surface texture of a workpiece.
ISO 1 Is also applicable to the definition of the measurand used in verification or calibration,
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of ISO 1, the following terms and delinitlons apply.
relerence temperature
temperature 01 an object, having a uniform temperature, specified as part of the definition of a geometrical or dimensional property
Note Ito entry; The sp.xilication of a geometrical or dimensional property is typically given in technical product documentation, e.g., on an engineering drawing or in a CAD file, or In the specification of the incasurand (the quantity intended to be measured).
standard reference temperature
internationally agreed-upon reference temperature
Note Ito entry: In prior editions of ISO 1, the term standard reference tensperature was defined as Its assigned numerical value. i.e. 20 C. In this edition, the definition of the reference temperature (2.1) and the assignment ala standardized value to this temperature are separately addressed (Clauag.3).
3 Standard reference temperature value for the specification of geometrical and dimensional properties
The standard reference temperature value for the specification of geometrical and dimensional properties shall be fixed at 20 ©C. Unless otherwise explicitly specified, the reference temperature for geometrical and dimensional properties of workpieces shall be the standard reference temperature. See Annex A for information on the use of the reference temperature specification.
NOTE 1 There is only one standard reference temperature value and it Is fixed at 20 C. However, this does not prevent a different (non-standard) reference temperature from being specified for all geometrical and dimensional properties of a workpiece or for a specific geometrical or dimensional property on a workpiece. provided It is explicitly stated as part of the sperilicaf lon
NOTE 2 The specification of a non-standard reference temperature may increase the measurement uncertainty durIng verification becaase most dimensional measuring equipment and gauges are calibrated with their measurand defined at the standard reference temperature.
ISO 1:2016 pdf free download
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