ISO 10303-22:1998 download.Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 22: Implementation methods: Standard data access interface.
Iso 10303 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of product data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of describing product d’ia throughout the life cycle of a product, independent from any particular syskm. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for neutral file exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing product databases and archiving.
ISO 10303-22 is organized as a series of pans, each published separately. The pans of ISO 10303 fall into one of the following series: description methods, integrated resources, application interpreted constructs, application protocols. abstract test suites, implementation methods, and conformance testing. The series is described in ISO 10303-1. This part of ISO 10303 is a member of the implementation methods series.
This part of ISO 10303 specifies the standard data access interface (SDAI) to data defined using ISO 10303-I I (EXPRESS), Operations are defined that give the application programmer the capability o manipulate data through this interface based upon its description in the defining schema or schemas. The standardization of a data access interface along with data definitions facilitates integration of different software components from different vendors.
Major subdivisions in this part of ISO 10303 are:
— SI)Al environment constructs defined using EXPRESS found in clauses 6 through 9;
— SDAI operations. errors and state found in clauses 10 through 12;
— Implementation classes of the SDAI functionality to which implementations claim conformance found in clause 13.
Computer application systems arc implemented using computing languages. The specification of the functionality defined in this part of ISO 10303 in a particular computing language is referred to as an SDA) language binding. Since there are many computing languages, many SDAI language bindings are possible, SDAI language bindings are specified as other parts of ISO 10303 within the implementation method series.
Iso 10303 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of product data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of describing product d’ia throughout the life cycle of a product, independent from any particular syskm. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for neutral file exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing product databases and archiving.
This International Standard is organized as a series of pans, each published separately. The pans of ISO 10303 fall into one of the following series: description methods, integrated resources, application interpreted constructs, application protocols. abstract test suites, implementation methods, and conformance testing. The series is described in ISO 10303-1. This part of ISO 10303 is a member of the implementation methods series.
This part of ISO 10303 specifies the standard data access interface (SDAI) to data defined using ISO 10303-I I (EXPRESS), Operations are defined that give the application programmer the capability o manipulate data through this interface based upon its description in the defining schema or schemas. The standardization of a data access interface along with data definitions facilitates integration of different software components from different vendors.
Major subdivisions in this part of ISO 10303 are:
— SI)Al environment constructs defined using EXPRESS found in clauses 6 through 9;
— SDAI operations. errors and state found in clauses 10 through 12;
— Implementation classes of the SDAI functionality to which implementations claim conformance found in clause 13.
Computer application systems arc implemented using computing languages. The specification of the functionality defined in this part of ISO 10303 in a particular computing language is referred to as an SDA) language binding. Since there are many computing languages, many SDAI language bindings are possible, SDAI language bindings are specified as other parts of ISO 10303 within the implementation method series.
— apphcaiion instance operations that allow an application to crcalr. modify. delete arid validate instances of emily data types and create instances of aggregates delined in applicahon schema.s (see 1(1.1 1).
— categones of entity and application instance operations that allow an application to create, delete. manipulate and modify instances of various aggregate types (sec 1012 through ID. l’.
The operations are categonzcd such that all operations manipulating a particular kind of object arc descnbed in the iubclause dealing ssith that object. The escepnons to this catcgonzation arc the operations that create, open o start the various SDAI and application objects. As these operations usually affect properties ci higher level objects, they are considered operations upon the object within which the current object is being created, opened or started.
EXAMPLE 2 – Opcing a repository is a session cgcriLKvi. not a reposicury operation. since ii inratifics properties or the session.
The specification of each SDAI operation lists the required input and output parameters. The types of these parameters are drawn from the SDAI dictionary, session, population md the parameter data schemas.
4.8 SDAI language bindings
This pars of ISO 10303 specifics operations independently of any programming languagc SDAI language bindings of these operations are developed for computing languages to define the capahi Ittics required of implementations. SDAI language bindings are published as other parts of the implementation methods senes of ISO 10301 An SDAI implementation provides the operations described in a particular SDAI language binding.
SDAI language bindings support the operations described in clause 10 but there need not he a one-to-one correspondence between the operations described there and the functions or subroutines defined in the SDAI language binding. An SDAI language binding may estend or add to the functionality defined in clause 10 to provide for a more cf1icint or convenient implementation of those operations.
Two types of S[)AI language bindings arc identified: late bindings and early bindings.
Late bindings are applied to any application schema in the sante manner using one set of functions. This set is available to the application programmer independently of the application schema. References to particular EXPRbSS constructs are provided via parameters passed as input to the SDAI operations. A late binding specifies the set ci SDAI operations to be made available to the application programmer esplicitly.
NOTh I -These operations and their parameters are typically esaluaied at run•iimc to eacciac the desired iunct,oii.
EXAMPLI 3 – An operation to set the value of attribute al of entity instance ;1 ol entity type 1l might be vvflflen in a late binding as SetValuef ii, Ii al. value).
Early bindings describe the production ola data access interface based upon a specific application schema. Instead of being provided via piaralnelers passed as input to the SAI operations, references to.
ISO 10303-22:1998 download
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