ISO 105-B06:1998 pdf free download.Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part B06: Colour fastness and ageing to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc fading lamp test.
This pt of ISO 105 specifIes a method for determlrWng the colour fastness and ageing propeilies of all kinds and forms of dyed and printed textiles and/or other organic sakstrates under the action of an arlifloal light source representative ci natural daylight (065). and under the simulaneous action of heat. Of the fOLK different sets ci exposure conditions specified (see 6.1), tlvee use 065, and the fourth a somewhat lower cut-oft wavelength. The lest method gives special consideration to the light and heat conditions that occur in the interior of a molar vehicle.
The four different sets of conditions specified are known to give simdar but riot necessanty identical results.
2 NormatIve references
The following normative documents contein provisions which, through reference wi this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 105. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, perlies to agreements based on this part of ISO 105 are encouraged to Investigate the possibty of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to appes Members of ISO end IEC maintein registers of currently valid international Standards
ISO1 05-AOl :1994, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Pact 401: General pnnci.piles of teslfrç
ISO t05-A02:1993, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Pact A02: Grey scale for assessing cmange In colour.
ISO 105-A05:1996, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part 405.’ Instrumental assessment of change n colour for deferntinatton of grey scale rafwg.
ISO 105802:1994, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part 802: Colour fastness to artitical ?çht: Xenon arc fading tamp test.
ISO 105.805:1993. TextIles — Tests for colour fastness — Part 805: Detection and assessment of photochromism.
3 Pr)ncpIe
3.1 LIght fastness test
A specmien to be tested Is exposed to artificial bght under prescribed conditions, along with a set of bkie wool references. The colour fastness is assessed by comparing the change In colour of the lest specimen with that of the references used, or with the grey scale In accordance with ISO 105-A02. or by means of a colour measuring Instrument In accordance with ISO 105-A05 after the specimen has been exposed to a specified amount of radiant energy.
The racant power shall be chosen to erure that the condthons given in 6.1 are fiMilled,
The irvadiance shall not deviate by more than 10% from the avarage over the entire area occupied by the specimens and relerences,
NOTE Ageing causes the spectral energy distribution and Irradlance to change during the seivice life of the xenon erc lamps and optical tdter. Replacement of the lamps and l’ilters in accordance w5h the manutacturera’ ins n tlong stows the energy aIrtution and rradiance to be rnemtalned The etadiance can also be us*ed to lieep it constant. Manutacturers who SF4piy an expoeure spparatus for use whti this pistol ISO 105 should ensue that the conditions specified in 42 and 6.1 ere met
4.2.3 Radiometer for monitoring the exposure conditions
Since the irraance at the surface of the specimen Is affected by lamp Interwhy, lamp geometry and the specimen rack (lamp to specimen distance). repealabehty and reproductdity of exposure shall be ensured by a mortltonng radiometer which permits exposure to specified levels of irradiance (rnclderit energy per unit area) at a point Ii the plane of the specimen rack (see B3 arid C.3).
4.2.4 Temperature sensors Black-standard thermometer (BST) (for sets of conditions I to 3)
The black-standard thermometer shall cons5t of a plain stainless steel plate, measuring aboul 70 mm x 40mm and with a thickness of about 0,5 mm. whose temperatiøe is measured by a thermal reeator, with good beat-condkicting properties, filled to the reverse side, The metal plate is fixed to a plastic plate so that It Is thermally insulated, It is coaled with a black layer which has an absorption of at least 95%. even in the infrared region. Black-panel thermometer (BPT) (for set of conditions No.5)
The black.panel thermometer shall consist of a metal plate at least 70 mm x 150mm x 1 mm to which ls Iaslened a thermal resistor whose sensitive portion Is centred both horizontally and vertically on the panel, the entwe system
being coveted with a nonselective. .nfrared.absorbing black finish, The blad finish stialf have at least 95% absorbance. The side of the panel not facing the light source shaH not be Ihermalfy insulated.
4.2.5 Opaque cardboard
This shal be of low sulfur content and free from fluorescent brightening agents, or other thin opaque material. partially covering the specimens arid references
4.2.6 Grey scale for assessing change In colour
This shaH be in accordance with ISO 105-A02.
4.2.7 ComputerIzed spectral colour-measuring Instrument
Thés is for evaluating the ctiange in colour according to ISO 105-A05
4.2.8 Polyester (PES) nonwoven fabrIc
This shaH be at least 5 mm thit, with a mass per wit area of 100 g/rn2 5 g’m2, for placing under the specimens.
5 Preparation of specimens and exposure card
5.1 Test the specimens either with ttiei own backing material or on a layer of polyester nonwoven talwic (see
42.8). Unless agreed otherwise, the thickness of the underlying material shal be at least 5mm. The kmit specified
In 5.4 shall be observed, The blue wool references shaH be placed on white card that does not contain fluorescent
brightening agents.
5.2 Cutsectionsofatleast40mm * 20 mm horn flat materials anditnecessary attachthem by their narrowedges to white card that does not contain fluorescent brightening agents. For pile goods, carpets and prints, cut the sections somewhat larger.
Wind yams closely on to a card or mount on It in parallel lengths.
Form loose f*wes into a nonwoven febric or a ftrous web, of uriform thickness and surlace and then mount on the white card.
To facilitate handing, the specimens to be tested and the references may be mounted on one or more cards as indicated in Figure 1.
53 The specimens and references shal be of equal size and she In order to avoid errors In assessment due to overrating the visual contrast between exposed and unexposed parts on the larger pattern as against the narrower references (see 7,1)
5.4 For thick specimens or those with an underlay, the distances from the light source to the surface of the specimens, the references and the blacl-standard thermometer or b)ack•panel thermometer shall not differ by more than about 5 mm.
ISO 105-B06:1998 pdf free download
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