ISO 17409:2020 pdf free download.Electrically propelled road vehicles Conductive power transfer – Safety requirements.
ISO 17409 specifies electric safety requirements for conductive connection of electrically propelled road vehicles to external electric circuits. External electric circuits include external electric power supplies and external electric loads. ISO 17409 provides requirements for the charging modes 2, 3, 4, as defined in IEC 61851-1, and reverse power transfer. For mode 4, this document provides requirements regarding the connection to an isolated DC EV charging station according to IEC 61851-23.
NOTE 1 This edition does not provide requirements for mode 1.
NOTE 2 External electric Circuits are not part of the vehicle.
ISO 17409 applies to the on-board sections of vehicle power supply circuits. It applies also to dedicated power supply control functions used for the connection of the vehicle to an external electric circuit.
It does not provide comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance and repair personnel.
NOTE 3 ISO 6469-3 provides general electrical safety requirements for electrically propelled road vehicles.
NOTE 4 With this edition ISO 17409 the limitation of y-capacitance for protection against electric shock under single failure conditions is no longer applicable as a fault protection provision when the vehicle has a conductive DC connection to an external electric circuit.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of ISO 17409. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6469-3, Electrically propelled road vehicles — Safety specifications — Part 3: Electrical safety ISO 15118 (all parts), Road vehicles — Vehicle to grid communication interface
ISO 20653, Road vehicles — Degrees of protection (IP code) — Protection of electrical equipment against foreign objects, water and access
ISO 26262 (all parts), Road vehicles — Functional safety
IEC 60038, IEC standard voltages
5.1 Requirements for the plug and cable (case A)
The plug shall comply with:
— lEC62196-lor
— IEC 62196-2.
NOTE For requirements when a vehicle is equipped with a standard plug, a function box and a cable that are permanently attached to the vehicle, see IEC 62752.
See IEC 62440 for general guidance on the safe usage of cables.
A cable that is specifically intended for charging of electric vehicles is specified in IEC 62893-3 or
similar national standards.
5.2 Requirements for the vehicle inlet
The vehicle inlet (case B and case C) shall conform to:
— lEC62196-1,or
— for an AC connection, a vehicle inlet according to IEC 62196—2, or
— for a L)C connection, a vehicle inlet according to IEC 62196—3, or
— for a DC connection with a thermal management system, a vehicle inlet according to
IEC/TS 62196-3-1:—s).
6 Requirements for protection of persons against electric shock
6.1 General
The requirements given in ISO 6469-3 apply to the on-board section of the vehicle power supply circuit when not connected to an external electric circuit.
The cross-sectional area of the protective conductor shall be designed in accordance with
IEC 60364-5-54.
The protective conductor of the vehicle power supply circuit shall be dimensioned according to the relevant quantities (e.g. fault current and disconnecting time) taking into account both energy sources, vehicle and external electric circuit.
The resistance of the protective conductor connection between the protective conductor contact of the plug (case A). the vehicle inlet (case B, case C), the ACD counterpart (case D) or the ACD (case E) and the vehicle electrical chassis, as well as all exposed conductive parts of the vehicle power supply circuit shall be less than 0,1 fi. This applies to all conductive paths which are intended for protective conductor connection.
The resistance of the protective conductor shall be tested in accordance with 112.
6.4 Isolation resistance
6.4.1 AC connection
The isolation resistance divided by the maximum working voltage of the vehicle power supply circuit shall be at least 500 fl/V when the vehicle is not connected to an external electric circuit (e.g. external electric power supply).
Conformance shall be tested in accordance with 113.
6.4.2 DC connection
The isolation resistance of the on-board section of the vehicle power supply circuit shall conform to the requirements in ISO 6469-3 when the vehicle coupler and the automatic coupler is not mated.
The total insulation resistance of the complete vehicle power supply circuit may be below 100 fl/V when the vehicle is connected to a DC charging station. Electrical safety when mated is provided with the requirements of 9J. also with the added parallel resistance from the external electric circuit.
For functional reasons, a vehicle that is equipped with a vehicle inlet according to IEC 62196-3 configuration EE or configuration FE should have the on-board section of the vehicle power supply circuit with an isolation resistance of at least 1 M.
8.1 Voltage and frequency ranges for normal operation
The vehicle power supply circuit shall operate as intended within the voltage range of the nominal voltage with a tolerance of +10 % and —15 %. The vehicle power supply circuit shall operate as intended within the frequency range of 50 Hz ± I % or 60 Hz ± 1 %.
NOTE I This voltage range is derived from an application of values indicated in IEC 60038 (max —10%) and IEC 60364—5-52 (low voltage installations supplied directly from a public low voltage distribution system:
max —5 %).
NOTE 2 In low voltage installation supplied from private low voltage supply, the voltage can be down to —19%.
The voltage range is derived from an application of values indicated in IEC 60038 (Max —10 %), IEC 60364-5-52
(low voltage installation supplied from private low voltage supply: max -8 %) and voltage drop by IC-CPD cable
(about —1 %).
8.2 Current characteristics
8.2.1 Load current
The vehicle load current shall not exceed:
— the maximum allowed current value indicated by the typical control pilot function according to
IEC 61851-1:2017, A.2.2;
— 10 A from a single phase, if the vehicle is using the simplified control pilot function according to
IEC 61851-1:2017, A.2.3;
— the maximum allowed current value provided by digital communication according to the ISO 15118 series;
— the maximum current of the cable assembly, as indicated by the coding resistor of the vehicle connector, if the vehicle inlet provides a proximity contact for simultaneous proximity detection and current coding as specified in IEC 61851-1:2017, H.2.
NOTE I In some countries, the maximum current is limited for mode 2 according to used plug. See IEC 61851-1, IEC 60364-7-722.
NOTE 2 The EV supply equipment can cut off the power In case the EV load current exceeds the maximum allowed current indicated by PWM signal according to IEC 61851-1:2017, Annex A.
ISO 17409:2020 pdf free download
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