ISO 23103:2020 pdf free download

05-28-2021 comment

ISO 23103:2020 pdf free download.Space link extension-Cross support transfer service – Specification framework.
The purpose of this Recommended Standard is to define the various logical components. also known within this Recommended Standard as procedures that are required for specifying Cross Support Transfer Services (CSTScs).
1.2.1 ISO 23103 defines, in an abstract manner, a CSTS in terms of:
a) the procedures necessary to provide the service;
b) the states of the service;
C) the behavior of each procedure:
d) the states of the procedures;
e) the operations necessary to constitute the procedures; and
f) the parameters associated with each operation.
1.2.2 It does not specify:
a) individual application services, implementations, or products:
b) the implementation of entities or interfaces within real systems;
C) the methods or technologies required to acquire data:
d) the methods or technologies required to provide a suitable environment for communications: or
e) the management activities required to schedule and conhigure services.
c) Space ‘ommunicaIion Cross Support Service Management suite (references [14]. [16] and [17]. Future data format Recommended Standards will specif’ the Service Management Information Entities that are used to configure and schedule CSTSes.
d) The SLE Transfrr Services suite: The SLE Transfer Services are a suite of Cross Support Services that are used to transfer specific telecommand and telemetry protocol data units. The SLE Transfer Services are closely related to the CSTS suite in that they collectively define the set of operations that are the basis for the CSTS Specification Framework. However, because of history (the SLE Transfer Services were already specified and implemented prior to development of the CSTS Specification Framework) the SLE Transfer Services are separated from CSTSes.
e) Space Link £rieac ion—internet Protocol Jiw Tran.sfi’r Services (reference [2]): A Recommended Standard that defines a protocol for transfer of PDUs defined in the Cross Support Transfer Services. ISO 23103 was originally developed to support SLE transfer services (hence the title), but it is also applicable to use by Cross Support Transfer Services.
‘be documents specific to Cross Support Transfer Services are:
f) Cross Su,)porl Tran3fer Services Specification Framework (this Recommended
Standard): A Recommended Standard that defines the specification of the Cross Support Transfer Service procedures:
g) Guideline for Specification of Cross Support Transfer Services (reference [13]): A Recommended Practice that defines the guidelines for construction of a Cross Support Transfer Service based on the CSTS Specification Framework:
h) Cross Support Transfer Services Specification Framework Concept (reference [151):
A Report that provides tutorial material on the objectives and concepts of the CSTS Specification Framework:
I) Cross Support Transfer Service.s Suite: The set of specifications for actual CSTSes built from the procedures in the CSTS Specification Framework and in accordance with the CSTS Guidelines.
CCSDS Cross Support Transfer Services are defined within a framework that is a logical extension of the Cross Support Reference Model (reference [I]) that was originally defined for Space Link Extension (SLE) services. The following subsections summarize concepts from the reference model that are supported by the CSTS Specification Framework and to which later sections in this Recommended Standard refer. Formal definitions of terms are provided in 1.6.
Beftire a Cross Support Transfer Service can be used, an association needs to he established between service user and service provider by binding the ports associated with the specific CSTS. To that end, the initiator issues the request to bind to the responder. If the responder can complete the binding, the required association is established and service user and service provider can invoke and perform the operations of the given CSTS type. Depending on the type of operation. the performer may or may not report the result of the operation to the invoker.
The Cross Support Reference Model (reference (1]) distinguishes between service production
and service provision.
Cross Support Service production refers to the common processes performed by a Cross
Support Complex associated with the provision of one or more Cross Support Services.
A Cross Support Complex is said to provide a service when it makes available to the service user the capability to obtain the service via one or more of its ports. Provision involves the interface between the service user and the service provider, and is characterized by the type(s) of data transferred and the quality of service with which they are transferred (e.g., completely, reliably, etc.).
This section specifies the operations that are used by the procedures defined in ISO 23103. Subsection 3.2 and 3.3 speci’ behaviors that are generally applicable to all operations. Subsections 3.4 through 3.13 specify individual operations that are used by the procedures defined in ISO 23103.
3.2.1 COMNION OPERATION BEHAVIOR All invokers of confirmed operations shall implement a timer for the acknowledgement in case of three-phase operations or the return in case of two-phase operations. In case the timer expires, the service user may issue a PFFR-AI3ORT.
3.21.2 On reception of the acknowledgement in case of three-phase operations or the return in case of two-phase operations, the invoker of the corresponding confirmed operations shall stop the timer. All acknowledgements and returns shall include a result parameter that indicates whether the outcome of the operation was successful (result has the value ‘positive’) or unsuccessful (result has the value ‘negative’). If result reported in an acknowledgement is ‘negative’, no return shall he generated. If result reported in an acknowledgement or return is ‘negative’, the acknowledgement or return shall also include a diagnostic parameter, the value of which is descriptive of the reason for the negative result. For certain values of the diagnostic parameter it shall be complemented by:
This section specifies the procedures defined in ISO 23103. Subsection 4.2 specifies behaviors that are generally applicable to all procedures. Subsections 4.3 through 4.12 specify common procedures defined in ISO 23103.
NOTE — Unless otherwise specified all statements made in this section shall be understood to refer to a single procedure instance only.
4.2.1 PROCEDURE INSTANCES CREATION The Association Control procedure shall be instantiated at service instance creation and shall exist for the lifetime of the service instance. All procedures other than the Association Control procedure shall be instantiated as soon as a positive BIND return is issued by the service provider. The service provider shall not accept and process any operations except BIND until it returns a positive BIND return. Exception to that statement is the reception of a PEER-ABORT following the reception of a BIND invocation and preceding the issue of the BIND return.
4.2.2 TERMINATION 01 i’HE ASSOCIATION On reception of an UNBIND invocation, the Association Control procedure shall issue a terminate procedur& event to all procedure instances of the service instance. On protocol abort (sec or reception of a PEER-ABORT invocation (see 3.6), the Association Control procedure shall communicate a terminate procedure’ event to all procedure instances of the service instance.

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