ISO 90-3:2000 download.Light gauge metal containers — Definitions and determination of dimensions and capacities — Part 3: Aerosol cans.
This pail of ISO 90 defines the diameters. apertures, constwcuons. shapes and capacities of round, aerosol cans It specifies methods tar determining diameters, gross lidded and brimft.i capacities. It also gives tolerances on capacity and recommends an International designation.
NOTE A hat of standards dealing with materials used for aerosol cans is given in the Oitihogrsphy
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 90. the following terms and delinhtlons apply. The figures given in this clause ilushale the terminology.
aerosol can
rigid can made of light gauge metal with a maximum nominal material thic*ness of 0.49 mm; non-relilable can intended to contain a product which is dispensed by pre-stored pressure In a controlled manner through a valve
2.2 Heights
body height
height of the body over the double seams (three piece aerosol cans onhy)
See Figure 1 a>.
overall height
height of the unclosed container
See Figures 1 a) and I b).
2.6 CapacIties
grou lidded capacity
total capacity of a can. tflled with a valve, valve cup and dip tube
NOTE Gross lidded capacity expressed In nfres.
brimlul capacity
total capacity of a can without a closure, determined according to 4.2
NOTE 8,Wnfid capacity a expressed in millilioss.
3 Determination of dimensions
3.1 Measurement of diameters
3.1.1 Measure the Internal body diameter using a plug gauge or derive ii from the external diameter
3.1.2 Measure the external body diameter using a vernier caller
3.1.3 Measure the nedLed4n diameter using a plug gauge applied to the Internal diameter of the extremity to which the end is to be fixed.
3.2 Measurement of h&ght
Measure the body heigh and/or the overall height using a vernier calper or a height gauge.
3.3 Nominal dimensions
NOTE Annex A 9ries information on Itis dlmeneiona cit the lop end ot ttwee-pEece necked-En linptate cei*.
3.3.1 NomInal diameters D.tei’mlnalion
The nominal diameter is determined by rounding the body or necked-rn diameter to the nearest whole maimetre (it the first decitn is5 or above, round L4: in all other cases, round down). CharacterIstic dlmens4ons Aerosol cans
Internal diameter L (see Figure 7 a))
External diameter D [see Figure 7 b))
4.2.4 Fill the can with waler. avoiding SE bubbles.
4.2.5 Close the can with the disc, the hole(s) in the disc being as close as poss*tle to the edge of the aperture, and complete filling through the holes. The can should be shaken, it necessery. during the filling process to ensure the release of any trped ar.
4.2.6 Remove any surplus water from the outside of the can-
4.2.7 Determine the mass of the filed can together with the disc, rnd2. Wi grams, as accurately as possible (see 4.12).
4.2.8 The difference between the weighings, (m – r. If necessery muthplied by the relevant correction factOr (see 4,1.1), represents the brimful cacity. C In milillires. of the can.
5 Tolerances on capacities
5.1 General
For standardized capacities, tolerances are as given m Table 3.
At least 99,7% of the indMdual cans shal lie wittir these limits’1.
5.2 Toletances
Tolerances for gross lidded or brimful capacities are given in Table 3.
ISO 90-3:2000 download
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