ISO 732:2000 download free.Photography-120-size and 220-size films – Dimensions.
ISO 732 provides specifications for
— dimensions oil 20-size and 220-size films and of the spools common to both.
dimensions of the backing paper for 120-size film and the leader and trailer paper for 220-size film, as well as the placement of the pester tape used for attaching these papers to the films,
— minimum length of film required in front of the leading edge of the first image and behind the trailing edge 01 the last image, and markings on the backing paper and the trailer-paper for identification of the intended pliotofinishing process.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provsons which, through reference In this lext, constitute provisions ol ISO 732. For dated references, subsequent amendments to. or revisions of, any of these pttkcations do not apply, However, parties to agreements based on ISO 732 are encouraged to investigate the posstitity of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies Members of ISO and lEG maintain registers of currently valid Intemational Standards.
ISO 1:1975. Standard reference temperature for lndustna? isngth measurements.
ISO 554:1976. Standard atmospheres for conditioning arid.’dr testing — ecthcatrnns.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of ISO 732, the following terms and defwiltlons apply.
backIng paper
opaque, photographically inert paper, used with 120-size film and rprinled with frame numbers that are legtle through a camera window, providing protection against the danger of Igli exposure of the film to which it Is attached
NOTE The backing paper provides assistance at the beginning of the wind-up.
difference in location of the film end relative to the numbers on the backing paper, when wound on the spool, compared to thsir respective positions when laid out flal
NOTE The difference exists because the bathing paper, wound outside the film strip, assumes a one of greater dn,pnference than the film strip for each successive convolulion
exposure numbers
consecutive numbers, or sets at numbers, printed on the outside of the backing paper away from the him
NOTE The spacing of miages on the him ts estished by sequential rxrthg of these numbers i the Widow of older 51)10 cameras.
leader paper trailer paper
shorter strçs of paper attached to 220-size film (leader at me start of the fibn and trailer at me end of the Mm) for the purposes of llht protection and windwig, similar to the backing paper for 1 20-size film
cylm&ical device that has a flange at each end, an axial hole for a pin or spindle, and on which the roll of film and paper is wound
4 Conditions for measurement of dimensions
The dimensions and tolerances specitled in ISO 732 apply at the time of manufacture (except where specifically stated otherwise), measured under atmospheric conditions of (23 ± 2) C and (50 ± 5) % relative humldtty. as specified in ISO 554.
All measuring rstrument caIiaIions should be conducted at a temperature of 20 C (as specified In ISO 1) and a relative humidtty of 50%.
5 DImensions
5.1 120-size
The dimensions for 120-size film and backing paper shall conform to the values shown in Figure 1 and given in
Table 1.
5.1.1 ThIckness
The following thickness values shall be maintained:
— backmg paper: 0.06mm minwnum and 0.12 mm maximum:
— backing paper pIus 1Km: 0.24 mm *0.04 mm;
— baclung paper plus film and pastor tape: 0,40mm ± 0,10 mm.
5.1.2 BackIng paper width
The maxwnum backing-paper wdth shel not exceed 62.90 mm,
The minimum backing-paper width is at the manufacturer’s discretion, but should be sufficient to insure lighttightness 01 the undeveloped Mm.
6 Identification of exposed rolls
6.1 General
A uniform and distinctive contrasting standard pattern shall appear along bolh edges of the (railmg (exposed) end
of the backing paper (120-size) or the trsiler paper (220-size) of colour roll films ii order to identify the intended
ptiototinishmg process. This shalt be of sufficient length to cover at least the entire outer lap of the paper. Films br
a black-and-whte process shall not have these standard patterns along the trailing edges.
The pattern shall be additional to any other identifying printing inckjded by the manufacturer. The manufacturer’s own marking shall be so arranged as not to obscure the identifying patterns.
6.2 Colour negatIve process
The pattern for the colour negative process shall be a series of rectangles located along each sin edge. It is intended that there be sufficient rectangles to allow photofinishirig personnel to distinguish them easdy before film processing. A manufacturer may remove some of the rectangles In order to substitule additional information such as the type of processing chemistry witended.
Information regarding the appearance of these symbols Is given In A,3 of annex A (see Figure Al),
6.3 Colour reversal process
The pattern for the colour reversal film process shall b€ a series of plus (+) symbols located along each slit edge. It is intended that there be sufficient plus symbols to allow photofinishmg personnel to distinguish them easily before fIlm processing. A manufacturer may remove some of the plus symbols in order to substitute additional information such as the type of processing chemistry intended.
Information regarding the appearance of these symbols is given in A.3 of annex A (see Figure A2),
6.4 SealIng bands
64.1 Colour roll fIlms
The sealing bands far securing colour roll films after exposure shall be coloured. This can be either panted on a
coloured background or by use of coloured printing on a white background
6.4.2 Black-and-whIte roll fIlms
In order to further differentiate black-and-white films from colour films, the sealing bands for securing black-and- white films after exposure should be a black-and-white-only background.
7 Package marking
Sufficient data shall be provided on a products packaging to mform the user of proper use and haniling.
Product packaglng shall be marked so as to indicate
— product name and size.
— conditions of use (such as safelight), and
— conditions at shplng and storage.
To acconip1sh INs, each of the padages whk*i conslitute the product’s packaging shoLld be marked so as to indicate one or more of the following;
p’oduct name or trade nwne;
— nan,e or trade mark of manufacturer;
— manufacturers catalogue identification number,
— bar code lnto.malion:
— quantity of units conlalned in the package:
— batch number and/or parent roil number;
— expiration date. develop before date. or inventory control code:
manutacture?s recommended storage conditiors;
— appi-opriate processing?recommended prooessng conditions;
film speed.
ISO 732:2000 download free
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