BS ISO 704:2000 pdf free download.Terminology work Principles and methods.
The terminolon.aI iinciples and methods lad down in BS ISO 704 are based on current thinking and practices in term’ neiogy.
Terminology is multidscipinary and draws support from a number of disciplines (e.g., logic. epistemdogy, philosophy of science. linguistics, information science and cognitive sciences) In its study of concepts and their representations in special language. It combines elements from many theoretical approaches that deal wiTh the descnption. ordenng and transfer of knowledge.
In line with ci.irrent standardization trends to include guiding principles, BS ISO 704 is intended to standardize the essential elements for auality work in terminoloqy. The qerieral purpose of BS ISO 704 is to provide a common framework of thinking and explain how this thinking should be implenented by an organization or individuals involved in terminology.
It is further intended to provide assistance to those involved n terminology management. The principles and methods should be observed not only for the rrarwpuiation of terminological information but also in the planning anti decision-making ilvolved in managing a stock of terminology. The main activities include, but are not limited to the following:
— identifying concepts and concept relations:
— analysing and modelling concept systems on the basis of identified concepts and concept relations;
— establishing representations of concept systens through concept diagrams:
defining concepts;
— atinbuting designations (predominantly terms) to each concept in one or more languages;
— recording and preseririg terminological data, principally in print and electronic media (terminography).
Objects, concepts, designations and definitions are fundamental to terminology and thecafere form the basis of BS ISO 704. Objects are perceived or conceived and abstracted into concepts which, in special languaQe, are represented by designations and described in definitions. A set of designations belonging to one special language constitutes the terminology of a specific subject field.
0.2 Corwentlons and notation
In BS ISO 704 and for the English ariguage, “terminology” used in the singular and without an article designates the discipline, while ‘terminoIogy” used in the plural or preceded by an article refers to the set of designations of a particular subject field, such as the terminology of chemistry.
The notation used throughout BS ISO 704 is as follows:
— terms defined in ISO 1087-1 are in italics;
— concepts are Indicated by single quotes;
— ciesigriation (terms. appelIatons or symbols) are in boldface;
— characteristics are underlined; examples are boxed.
It should be noted that the examples in BS ISO 704 have oeen chosen and simplified for lustrative purposes. The lranslaUon W’ito otter languages may rcess1Iate tt letlvri of olhw exwiipltss tu illutidte the point.
It should also be noted that the examples of term-formation methods, in informative annex A, are specific to the English language in the English version and to the French language in the French version. Annex A should not be translated but adapted to the needs of each language.
BS ISO 704 establishes and harmonizes the basic principles and methods for preparing and compiling terminologies both inside and outside the framework of standardization,
BS ISO 704 describes the links between objects. concepts. arid their representations through the use of terminologies. It also establishes general pflncipes governing the formation of designations and the formulation of definitions. Full and complete understanding of these pnnciples requires some background (rhowtecge of terminology. I lie principles are general in nature and BS ISO 704 is appI;cabe to terminology work in scientific, technological, industrial, administrative, arid other fields of knowledge.
BS ISO 704 does not stipulate procedures for the layout ol International Terminology Standards that are treated in ISO 10241.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference In this text, consttute provisions at BS ISO 704. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However. parlies to agreements based on BS ISO 704 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
130 9,199, h rnia1’v a4 defi —TidaiII&Id(iX of Cyris7s. te info Latin Lha(a1e(5 — Glare and non-Slavic languages.
ISO 233:1984. Documentation — Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters.
ISO 233-2:1993, Information and documentation — Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters — Pad 2: Arabic language — Simplified transliteration.
ISO 233-3:1999, Information and documentation — Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters — Part 3: Persian language — Simplified transliteration.
ISO 259:1984, Documentation — Transliteration of Hebi-ew characters into Latin characters.
ISO 259-2:1994, Information and documentation — Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters — rart 2: Srnplified transliteration.
ISO 843:1997, Information and documentation — Conversion of Greek characters intO Latin characters.
For the purposes of BS ISO 704, the definitions given in ISO 1087-1 apply. The terminology c)etirecl in ISO 1087-1 appears as itaIized terms in BS ISO 704. It should be noted that terms not italicized but found and defined in ISO 1087-1 are to be interpreted by their general language meaning.
4 Objects
For the purposes of BS ISO 704, an object is defined as anything perceived or conceived. Some obects, concrete obtects such as a machine, a diamond, or a river, shall be considered material; other objects shall bo considered immaterial or abstract, such as each manilestaton ot tinancial planning, gravity, flowablllty, or a conversion ratio; still others shall be considered purely Imagined, for example, a unicorn, a philosopher’s stone or a literary character In the course of producing a tcrrnmo!ogy, phlophicai discussions on whelh9r an object actually exists in reahty are beyond the scope of BS ISO 704 and shall be avoided. Objects are assumed to exist and attention shall be focused on how one deals with objects for the purposes of communication.
5 Concepts
5.1 Nature of concepts for terminology
lo communicate, not every Individual obfect In the world is iiffereiiüated dilU siaiipJ. Instead, through observation and a process of abstraction called conceptualization, objects are categorized nb mental constructs or units of thought c.Hcd aanccptc which are represented in varous forms of communleetion (nPrt — r — communication). BS ISO 704 does not deal with all concepts represented in language but only with those represented by terminoloqies. For terminology, concepts are to be considered mental representations of objects within a specialized context or field.
Concepts are not to be conli.4sed with abstract or imagiiied vbjevki (i.i., coriciete, abstract or imagined objects in a given context are observed and conceptualized mentally and then a designation is attnbuted to the concept rather than to the objects themselves). For BS ISO 704, the link hetwen an object and its designation or definition is made through the concept. a higher level of abstraction.
Producing a terminology reu’res understanding the conceptualization that underpins human knowledge in a subject area. Because a termrtoIogy always deals with special language in a particular field of knowledge, the
r,uep iiIdii Lit vd riot only as a unit of thought but aso as a unit of knowledge.
The ccirreptc cnnhwliiali,pd in the .cpeinl language of the subject field can be expressed in the varous forms of human communation accorcing to the system used. In natural language, concepts can take the form of terms. appellafions, definitions or other linguistic forms; in artificial language, they can take the form of codes or formulae while In graphics, they can take the form of cons, pictures, diagrams or other graphic representations, Concepts may also be exoressed with the human body as they are in sign language, facial expressions or body movements.
BS ISO 704:2000 pdf free download
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