ACI 301:2005 download free

05-27-2021 comment

ACI 301:2005 download free.Specifications for Structural Concrete.
This specification is incorporated by reference in the project specifications using the wording in P3 of the preface and including the information from the mandatory, optional. and submittal checklists follow lug the specification.
P1. ACI Specification 301 is intended to be used by reference or incorporation in its entirety in the Project Specification. Do not copy individual Pans. Sections. Articles, or Paragraphs into the Project Specification, because taking them out of context may change their meaning.
P2. If Sections or Parts of ACI Specification 301 are copied into the Project Specification or any other document,
ACI 301.05 supersedes ACI 301.99 and became effective April 20. 2005.
Copynght 0 2005. American Concrete Institute.
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means. including the making of copies by any photo process. or by electronic or mechanical device, primed. vriiten. or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is ohtained from the copyright proprietors.
do not refer to them as an ACI Specification, because the specification has been altered.
P3. A statement such as the following will serve to make ACI Specification 301 a part of the Project Specification:
“Work on (Project Title) shall conform to all requirements of ACI 301-05 published by the American Concrete Institute. Farmington Hills. Michigan, except as modified by these Contract Documents.”
P4. Each technical Section of ACI Specification 301 is written in the three-part Section format of the Construction Specifications Institute, as adapted for ACI requirements. The language is imperative and terse.
PS. The Specification is written to the Contractor. When a provision of this specification requires action on the Contractor’s part, the verb “shall” is used. If the Contractor is allowed to exercise an option, the verb “may” or. when limited alternatives are available, the conjunctive phrase “shall either.., or…” is used. Statements provided in the specification as information to the contractor use the verbs “may” or “will.” Informational statements typically identify activities or options that “will” be taken or “may” be taken by the Owner or the Architect/Engineer.
Preface, p. 301-1
Section 1—General requirements, p. 301-3
1.1.1—Work specified
1.1.2— Work not specified
1.3—Reference standards and cited publications
1.3.1—Reference standards
1 .3.2—Cited publications
1 .3.3—Field references
1 .4—Standards-producing organizations
1 .5—Submittals
1.5.2—Testing agency reports
1.6—Quality assurance
1.6.2—Testing agencies
1.6.3—Testing responsibilities of Contractor
1.6.4-Testing responsibilities of Owner’s testing agency
1.6.5—Tests on hardened concrete in-place
1.6.6—Evaluation of concrete strength tests
1.6.7—Acceptance of concrete strength
1.6.8—Field acceptance of concrete I .7—Acceptance of structure
1.7.2—Dimensional tolerances
1.7.4—Strength of structure
1.8—Protection of in-place concrete
1.8. 1—Loading and support of concrete
1.8.2—Protection from mechanical injury
specifications or administering work under the Contract Documents.
architectural concrete—concrete that is exposed as an interior or exterior surface in the completed structure and is designated as architectural concrete in the Contract Documents: contributes to visual character of the completed structure and therefore requires special care in the selection of the concrete materials, forming, placing, and finishing to obtain the desired architectural appearance.
backshores—shores placed snugly under a concrete slab or structural member after the original formwork and shores have been removed from a small area at a time, without allowing the slab or member to deflect, or support its own weight or existing construction loads from above.
cement, expansive—a cement that, when mixed with water. pnxluces a paste that, after setting, tends to increase in volume to a significantly greater degree than does portland cement paste: used to compensate for volume decrease due to shrinkage or to induce tensile stress in reinforcement.
cement, expansive Type K—a mixture of portland cement. anhydrous tetracalcium irialuminate sulfate (C4 A1S•). calcium sulfate (CaSO4), and lime (CaO); the C4A1S is a constituent of a separately burned clinker that is inter- ground with portland cement, or alternatively, is formed simultaneously with the portland-cement clinker compounds during the burning process.
Contract I)ocuments—a set of documents supplied by Owner to Contractor as the basis for construction: these documents contain contract forms, contract conditions, specifications, drawings. addenda, and contract changes.
Contractor—the person. firm, or entity under contract for construction of the Work.
duct—a conduit (plain or corrugated) to accommodate prestressing steel for post-tensioned concrete.
exposed to public view—situated so that it can be seen from a public location after completion of the building.
high-early-strength concrete—concrete that is capable of attaining specified strength at an earlier age than 28 days through the use of high-early-strength cement or admixtures.
lightweight concrete—concrete of substantially lower density than normalweight concrete.
mass concrete—any volume of concrete with dimensions large enough to require that measures be taken to cope with generation of heat from hydration of the cement and attendant volume change to minimize cracking.
mass concrete, plain—Mass concrete containing no reinforcement or less reinforcement than necessary to be considered reinforced mass concrete.
mass concrete, reinforced—mass concrete containing adequate prestressed or nonprestressed reinforcement to act together with the concrete in resisting forces including those induced by temperature and shrinkage.
normalweight concrete—concrete having a density of approximately 150 lb/ti3 made with gravel or crushed stone aggregates.
Owner—the corporation, association, partnership. individual, public body, or authority for whom the Work is constructed. Aggregates—Store and handle aggregate in a manner that will avoid segregation and prevent contamination with other materials or other sizes of aggregates. Store aggregates in locations that will permit them to drain freely. Do not use aggregates that contain frozen lumps. Water and ice—Protect mixing water and ice from contamination during storage and delivery. Adrnixiures—Protect stored admixtures against contamination. evaporation, or damage. Provide agitating equipment for admixtures used in the form of suspensions or nonstable solutions to ensure uniform distribution of the ingredients. Protect liquid adniixtures from freezing and from temperature changes that would adversely affect their characteristics.
4.2.1 Materials C’emeniirious materials—Use ASTM C 150 Type I or Type 11 cement unless one or a combination of the cemenhitious materials given in 4.2.1. l.a through .f are specified or permitted: Portland cement conforming to ASTM C 150. Blended hydraulic cement conforming to ASTM C 595 or C 1157. For the sections of the structure that are designated as subject to deicing chemicals, submit certification on the composition of the cement verifying that the concrete mixture meets the requirements of Table Hydraulic cement conforming to ASTM C
1157. For sections of the structure that will be subjected to deicing chemicals, submit certification on the composition of the cement verifying that the concrete mixture meets the requirements of Table Pozzolanic mineral admixture conforming to ASTM C 618, When fly ash is used, the minimum amount shall be 15% by weight of the total cernentitious materials unless otherwise specified. .e Ground-granulated blast-furnace slag conforming to ASTM C 989.
4.2.I.I.f Silica fume conforming to ASTM C 1240. Use cementitious materials that are of the same brand and type and from the same plant of manufacture as the cementitious materials used in the concrete represented by the submitted field test records or used in the trial mixtures. Aggregates—Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C 33 unless otherwise specified. When a single size or a combination of two or more sizes of coarse aggregates are used, the final grading shall conform to the grading requirements of ASTM C 33 unless otherwise specified or pcriniued. Aggregates used in concrete shall be obtained from the same sources and have the same size ranges as the aggregates used in the concrete represented by submitted historical data or used in trial mixtures. Water and ice—Mixing water for concrete and water used to make ice shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 1602/C l602M. Use potable water unless alternative sources of water complying with ASTM 1602/C l602M are permitted.
formation of seams or planes of weakness within the section.
unless construction joint requirements of are met. Do not use concrete that has surface-dried, partially hardened, or contains foreign material. When temporary spreaders are used in the forms, remove the spreaders as their service becomes unnecessary. Spreaders made of metal or concrete may be left in place if prior acceptance is obtained. Do not place concrete over columns and walls until concrete in columns and walls is no longer plastic and has been in place at least I h. Do not subject concrete to any procedure that will cause segregation. Deposit concrete as near as practicable to ihe final position to avoid segregation. Place concrete for beams, girders. brackets, column capitals. haunches, and drop panels at the same time as concrete for slabs. When underwater placement is required or permitted. place concrete by an acceptable method. Deposit fresh concrete so concrete enters the mass of previously placed concrete from within, displacing water with a minimum disturbance to the surface of concrete. Consolidarinç—Consolidate concrete by vibration. Thoroughly work concrete around reinforcement and embedded items and mw corners of forms, eliminating air and stone pockets that may cause honeycombing. pitting, or planes of weakness. Use internal vibrators of the largest size and power that can properly be used in the Work as described in Table Use immersion-type vibrators with nonmeallic heads when consolidating concrete around epoxy- coated reinforcement. Workers shall be experienced in use of the vibrators. Do not use vibrators to move concrete within the forms. Construction joints and other bonded joints— Locate construction joints as indicated on the project drawings or as accepted in accordance with Formed construction joints shall meet requirements of Remove laitance and thoroughly clean and dampen construction joints before placement of fresh concrete. When bond is required or permitted, use one of the following methods:
• Use an acceptable adhesive applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations:
• Use an acceptable surface retarder in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations;
• Roughen the surface in an acceptable manner that exposes the aggregate uniformly and does not leave lailance. loosened particles of aggregate, or damaged concrete at the surface; or
• Use portland-cement grout of the same proportions as the mortar in the concrete in an acceptable manner.
5.3.3 Finishing formed surfaces General—After removal of forms, give each formed surface one or more of the finishes described in,, or When Contract Documents do not specify a finish, finish surfaces as required by Marching sample finish—When the finish is required by the Contract Documents to match a sample panel furnished to the Contractor, reproduce the sample tinish on an area at least 100 ft2 in a location designated by the ArchitectlEngineer. Obtain acceptance before proceeding with that finish in the specified locations.

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