BS 6004:1995 pdf free download.PVC-insulated cables ( non-armoured ) for electric power and lighting.
5 Insulation
5.1 Types of Insulation
The insulation shall be PVC of one of the following
a) type TI 1 of BS 7655: Section 3.1 : 1993 for the cables detailed in tables 1 to 6 inclusive; h) type TI 4 of 115 7655 : Section 3.1 : 1993 for the cable detailed in table 7; c)typeTl3ofBS7655:Section3.l 1993 for cables detailed in tables 8 and 9.
Compliance shall be checked by carrying out the appropriate tests listed in table 11.
5.2 ApplIcation
The insulation shall be closely applied to the conductor. It shall be possible to remove the insulation without damage to the insulation itself, the conductor or the tin coating, if any. Compliance shall be checked by examination and by a manual test.
5.3 Thickness
The mean value of the thickness of the insulation shall be not less than the value given for each type and cross section of cable in tables I to 9, as appropriate. however, it shall be permissible for the thickness at any place to be less than the value specified provided that the difference does not exceed 0.1 mm + 10 % of the value specified. Compliance shall be checked using the method described in 8.1 of uS 6469: Section 1.1 : 1992. From each core to be tested, one sample of core shall be taken from each of three places separated by at least 1 m.
The mean of all the values obtained on the three pieces of insulation shall be calculated to two decimal places and then rounded to one decimal place to obtain the mean value of insulation thickness. If the calculation gives 5 or more for the second decimal figure, the first figure shall be raised to the next number: thus, for example, 1.75 shall be rounded to 1.8 and 1.74 to 1.7.
The smallest of all the values obtained shall be taken as the minimum thickness of insulation at any place.
6 Core identification
6.1 General
Each core shall be identified by its colour. The
colour shall be either throughout the whole of the
insulation or on the surface of the insulation.
6.2 Colours
The colours of the cores according to the number of cores in the cable and also the sequence of these colours shall be as given in tables 1 to 9, as appropriate and should be a reasonable match to those given in BS 6746C.
6.3 HarmonIzed code designations Harmonized code designations are given in tables La), ic), 2, 7a), 7b), 8a), 8b) and 9 for single-core non-sheathed cables; these cables are harmonized types, except where explicitly shown as national types, and shall be permitted to bear the Common Marking in accordance with 9.2, provided the colours comply with the following:
a) the colours available shall include the combination green/yellow and the mono-colour blue;
b) combinations of colours other than green/yellow and also the colours green or yellow separately shall not be considered harmonized.
Single-core non-sheathed cables complying with the properties given in tables 1a), 1c), 2, 7a), 7b), 8a), 8b) and 9 where harmonized code designations are given, but having core colours not in accordance with the above requirements, are not harmonized types and shall not bear the Common Marking.
NOTE 1. In addition to the combination green/yellow, and the mono-colour blue, the following other mono-colours are recognized as harmonized: black, brown, grey, orange, pink, red, turquoise, violet and white.
N(IFE 2. Attention is drawn to the fact that, according to the use to which the cables are put, it may be neceary to comply with core colour requirements specified In BS 7671 :1992 or other standard applicable, or any appropriate regulations or statutory requirements.
6.4 Bi-colour combination
On the core marked with the bi-colour combination green/yellow, the distribution of these colours shall be such that for every 15 mm length of core, one of these colours shall cover at least 30 % and not more than 70 % of the surface of the core, while the other colour covers the remainder of the surface.
NOTE 1. In case of dispute and where appropriate to the method of colour marking of the insulation, see clause S of 115 6469 : Section 99.1: 1992 for a test method to check compliance.
NOTE 2. hefor,vwiion on the use tj the colours greet/ yellow rind blue. It is understood that the colours green and yellow when they are combined as specified above are recognized exclusively as a means of identification of the core intended for use at earth connection or similar protection, and that the colour blue s intended for the identification of the core intended to be connected to neutral. If, however; there is no neutral, blue can 1w used to Identify any core except for earthing or protective conductor.
6.5 Clarity and durability
The COk)UrS shall be clearly identifiable and durable.
Compliance shall he checked by trying to remove the colours of the cores by rubbing the core 10 times with a piece of cotton wool or cloth soaked in water.
8.3 ThIckness
The mean value of the sheath thickness shall be not less than the value given for each type and cross section of cable in tables 3 to 6, as appropnate. However, it shall be permissible for the thickness at any place to be less than the value specified, provided that the difference does not exceed 0.1 mm + 15 % of the value specified. Where the sheath fills the interstices between the cores of flat cables the specified thickness shall apply at the place where the thickness of the sheath is at its minimum.
Compliance shall be checked using the method described in 8.2 of BS 6469 : Section 1.1 : 1992.
One sample of cable shall be taken from each of three places, separated by at least 1 m.
The mean of all the values obtained on the three pieces of sheath shall be calculated to two decimal places and rounded to one decimal place as described in 5.3 to obtain the mean value of sheath thickness.
The smallest of all the values obtained shall be taken as the minimum thickness of sheath at any place.
8.4 Colour
The colour of the sheath is specified only for cables whose properties are given in tables 4 to 6; for these cables the colour of the sheath shall be as given in the appropriate table and, where indicated, shall be a reasonable match to
BS 6746C. The colour shall be throughout the whole of the sheath or on its surface. Where surface colouring is applied, the surface colour shall be of essentially the same material as the underlying material and shall be applied as part of the extrusion process. The surface colour shall not be separable from the underlying material and shall be durable.
9 Marking
9.1 IndicatIon of origin
All cables shall be provided with an indication of origin consisting either of an identification thread or threads or the continuous marking of the manufacturer’s name or trade mark.
If coloured threads are used, the colours shall comply with those registered in PD 2379, where applicable. The colours shall be easy to recognize or shall become recogmzable by cleaning with petrol, or other suitable solvent, if necessary.
9.4 Cables for installation at low temperature In addition to the requirements of 9.1, cables given in tables 7a) and Th) shall have a continuous marking applied, using the symbol ‘V3’ (indicating suitability for installation at low temperature), by printing, indenting or embossing on the insulation.
9.5 Cables with type TI 3 Insulation
In addition to the requirements of 9.1, cables given in tables 8a), 8b), and 9 shall have a continuous marking applied, using the symbol ‘V2’ (indicating heat-resistant insulation), by printing, indenting or embossing on the insulation.
10 Construction and overall dimensions
10.1 Construction
The construction of the cables shall he as given in tables 1 to 9, as appropriate.
Compliance shall be checked by examination and measurement.
10.2 Mean overall dimensions
The mean overall dimensions of the cables shall he within the limits given in tables 1 to 9, as appropriate.
Compliance shall be checked using the method described in 8.3 of BS 6469 : Section 1.1 : 1992.
One sample of cable shall be taken from each of three places, separated by at least 1 m.
For flat cable the mean of the three determinations of each of the major and minor axes shall be taken as the mean overall dimensions.
For other cable, the mean of the six values obtained shall be taken as the mean overall d iaineter.
10.3 Ovality
The difference between any two values of the overall diameter of circular sheathed cables at the same cross section (ovality) shall not exceed 15 % of the upper limit given in tables 1 to 9, as appropriate, for the mean overall diameter.
Compliance shall be checked using the method described in 8.3 of 115 6469 : Section 1.1: 1992.
One sample of cable shall be taken from each of three places, separated by at least 1 m.
Two measurements shall be taken at the same cross section of the cable covering the maximum and minimum values.
BS 6004:1995 pdf free download
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