BS 6054-1:1981 download

06-21-2021 comment

BS 6054-1:1981 download.British Standard Glossary of terms Micrographics Part 1 . General terms.
Micrographics gives rise to numerous international commercial exchanges which often become difficult, either because of the great variety of terms used In various fields or languages to express the same concept, or because of the lack or imprecision of definitions for useful concepts.
To avoid misunderstandings due to this situation and to facilitate such exchanges, it is advisable to select terms to be used in various languages or countries to express the same concept and to establish definitions providing satisfactory equivalents for the various terms in different languages.
ISO 6196 consists of several settions published separately, as the work proceeds, their numbering beginning with 01.
1.2 Scope and field of application
* BS 6054-1 presents in English and French terms and definitions of selected concepts used In micro- graphics and identifies relationships between the entries.
This section of the vocabulary deals with general terms used In micrographics. It Is Intended to facilitate International exchanges In this field.
* NOTE — In addition to terms given In two official ISO languages (Engllah end French), BS 6054-1 gives the equivalent terms in the German language In the annex; these have been Included at the request of ISO Technical Committee lSO/TC 171 and are published under the responsibility of the member body for Germany (DIN). However, only the terms and definitions given In the official language8 can be considered as ISO terms and defriltions.
2 PrincIples and rules followed
2.1 DefInition of an entry
The vocabulary consists of a number of entries; this term Is to be understood with the following meaning:
entry: A set of essential elements consisting of an Index number, one or, If necessary, more synonymous terms, and a phrase defining one concept; In addition, a set may include examples, notes, or illustrations to facilitate the understanding of the concept.
of another definition, example or note In the Vocabulary, such a term should be used only in its complete form.
Directives for the use of the term, its particular field of applicadon, or Its grammatical form are not part of the term and are written in normal typeface.
NOTE — Terms such as vocabulary, concept, term, definition are used in this section and In the body of the Vocabulary with the meanings given in the ISOIR 1087, Vocabulary of terminology.
2.2 Organization of an entry
Each entry contains the essential elements as defined In 2.1 and if necessary some additional items; thus It may contain for each language at most the following items in the following order:
a) an index number (common for all languages);
b) the term or the generally preferred term In the language (the absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is indicated by a row of dots);
C) the preferred term in a particular country (identified ac cording to Iso 3166, Code for the representation of names of countries);
d) the abbreviation for the term;
e) permitted synonymous term or terms;
f) the text of the definition (see 2.4);
g) one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)”;
h) one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of application of the concepts, with the heading “Note(s)”;
j) a picture, a diagram or table (these may be common to several entries).
items a) to e) in the list above are printed in bold typeface. Item d) In the list above, and In some entries one or more of the Items b), c), and e), are in each case followed by a qualifier. A qualifier is printed in normal typeface In parentheses after the term or abbreviation and indicates:
a directive for the use of the term, such as “deprecated term”, “deprecated In this sense”, or “strongly deprecated”;
— a particular field of application for the term, as defined;
— the grammatical form of the term or the like, such as “noun”, “adjective”, “verb” or “abbreviation”.
2.3 ClassIfication of an entry
A two-digit serial number is assigned to each section of the
Vocabulary, beginning with 01 for general terms.
Each entry is assigned a four-digit serial number, the first digits
being those of the section.
In any future revision or amendment of the Vocabulary1 further entries will be added at the end of a section without altering the numbers of the existing entries.
In order that the various versions of the Vocabulary shall be conveniently linked, the numbers assigned to sections and entries are the same for all languages.
2.4 SelectIon of terms and wording of definitions
The selection of terms and the wording of definitions have, as far as possible, followed established usage.
2.5 Multiple meanings
When a given term has several different meanings, a separate entry is given for each meaning, to facilitate translation into other languages.
2.6 Abbreviations
As Indicated In 2.2, abbrevIations in current use are given for some terms. They may be used only if this will not lead to any ambiguity or lack of clarity. They are not used in the texts of the definitions, examples, or notes in the Vocabulary.
2.7 Use of parentheses
In some terms, a word or words printed In bold type face are placed In parentheses. These words are part of the complete temi, but they may be omitted when use of the abridged term In a technical context does not Introduce ambiguity. In the text
2.8 Use of terms printed In Italic typeface In definitions and use of asterisks
A term printed in italic typeface In a definition, an example, or a note, has the meaning given to It In another entry of the Vocabulary, which may be in another section. The term Is only printed In italic typeface the first time It occurs In each entry.
Other grammatical forms of the term, for example plurals of nouns and participles of the verbs, are printed in the same way as the basic form.
The basic forms of all such terms are listed In the index at the end of the sectIon. If theIr definitions belong to the same sec. tion of the Vocabulary, the complete number of the corresponding entry is shown In the index. If they are defined in a different section, the index shows only the number of that section.
When two such termé defined in separate entries directly follow each other (or are separated only by a punctuation sign), an asterisk separates the terms.
The words or terms which are printed in normal typeface are to be understood as defined in current dictionaries or authoritative technical vocabularies in the language concerned.
2.9 OrganIzation of the alphabetical index
At the end of each section, an alphabetical index, for each language used, Includes all terms In that language defined In the section or used in the definitions and defined in other sections. Multiple word terms appear In alphabetical order both by natural order of words and by their key words.

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