BS 7035:1989 download free

06-14-2021 comment

BS 7035:1989 download free.Code of practice for Socketing of stranded steel wire ropes.
1 Scope
BS 7035 gives guidance on recommended practices for resin and metal (white metal or zinc) socketing of wire ropes complying with BS 302-1 to BS 302-8 and using sockets complying with BS 463’, for use within service temperature limitations of— 20 °C to + 70 °C.
Appendix A gives tests on socketing materials. In-service inspection advice is given in Appendix B. Appendix C contains a socketing procedures flow chart.
NOTE 1 The code is generally applicable also to the socketing of other wire ropes and using other sockets, but special precautions may be necessary and the rope’s supplier should be consulted. NOTE 2 When socketin ropes which have wire tensile grades greater than 1 960 N/mm- special precautions may be necessary and the rope’s supplier should be consulted.
NOTE 3 The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.
2 Definitions
For the purposes of BS 7035, the definitions given in BS 302-1 apply, together with the following.
The nomenclature for parts of sockets are given in Figure 1.
the person or organization which takes responsibility for a particular socketing system. In particular he takes responsibility for the socketing material, identification, prototype testing (except where metal complying with BS 643 and BS 3436 is used) and the specification and method of application
coarse construction rope
rope having eight strands or less and strands with one layer of wires over a king wire
3 Preparation of rope and socket
3.1 General
NOTE 3.1.1 to 3.1.8 should be read before the procedures in 3.2 are carried out.
3.1.1 Serving. In BS 7035 two types of serving are recognized and are designated temporary2 and permanent.
Temporary servings should be used when cutting ropes and spiral strands: however, they are not always necessary when cutting preformed ropes. When used, the temporary servings should be applied to the rope on each side of the cut and need to hold the strands and wires in position during the cutting operation.
Permanent servings are applied to that part of the rope which is partly within or adjacent to the neck of the socket when the operation is completed (see Figure 2).
A permanent serving should:
a) ensure that the wires and strands are undisturbed during socketing operations; and
b) permit the passage of the served rope through the neck of the socket.
3.1.2 Permanent serving material. Tinned or galvanized soft wire should be used except in the case of bright wire rope when bright wire may also be used. The diameter of the serving wire should be selected so that the served rope can be passed through the neck or small end of the socket with a radial clearance between the serving wire and the parallel part of the neck.
Alternative material to the above may be used but care should be taken that it does not cause detrimental electrolytic action in service and that. it is capable of withstanding the socketing temperatures involved. Copper and brass wires should not be used. Plastics of proven suitability may be used.
When using a vapour degreasing agent, special care needs to be taken to ensure that degreasing is confined to the brush and does not affect the rope beyond the brush.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons and other toxic or flammable organic solvents should only be used in areas designed for the purpose or in an extremely well-ventilated environment.
3.1.6 Hooking. In general, hooking of wire ends is not recommended but may be considered for coarse construction ropes used under impulsive loading. The length of the hooked portion should not be such that it impedes the flow of resin or molten metal during socketing nor significantly reduces the effective length of embedded wire.
3.1.7 Position of wires in socket. The wires at the large end of the socket should be reasonably well distributed and care should he taken to prevent appreciable lengths of the outer wires from bearing against the socket wall as this reduces the efficiency of the assembly.
3.1.8 Cores. When a rope contains a steel core the wires of the core should be completely unlaid to form an open brush. When a rope contains a fibre core the core should be cut back into the throat as far as possible.
Ropes having man-made fibre cores should preferably be socketed using resin.
3.2 Preparation procedures
3.2.1 Ensure that the socket body selected is fit for its purpose. It should comply with BS 463 and should be clean and free from defects.
3.2.2 Select rope, measure and mark for cutting.
3.2.3 Clean the length of the rope to be threaded through the socket. A clean dry cloth or cloth dipped in solvent may be used.
3.2.4 Apply temporary serving on either side of the cutting mark if necessary.
3.2.5 Cut the rope (see 3.1.3).
3.2.6 Apply a length of permanent serving equal to two rope diameters (see Figure 2).
3.2.7 Remove all dirt, grease and scale from the inside of the socket basket.
3.2.8 Thread the cut end of the rope through the socket, taking care that the basket walls do not come into contact with the uncleaned part of the rope.
3.2.9 Remove the temporary serving at the point of cut and unlay the strands as far back as the permanent serving.
3.2.10 Open up the strands as shown in Figure 3 and described in 3.1.8.
3.2.11 Open out the wires and hook if necessary.
5.2.2 Flux the wires in socket with powdered resin or a suitable proprietary compound ensuring that all the wires are covered with the fluxing compound.
5.2.3 Stir the molten metal and remove any dross (see 5.1.5).
5.2.4 Pour the molten metal slowly and continuously down the inside face of the socket until the socket is full (this has to take place immediately after fluxing [see 5.1.6)].
5.2.5 Allow the metal to solidify without disturbance (see 5.1.8).
5.2.6 Top-up the socket by melting the surface metal and pouring in sufficient additional metal to fill the depression (see 5.1.7).
5.2.7 Allow the metal to cool to room temperature using forced air if necessary (see 5.1.8).
5.2.8 Remove the permanent serving up to the neck of the socket.
5.2.9 Inspect the socketed assembly in accordance with clause 6.
5.2.10 Apply a suitable corrosion preventative compound to a cleaned length of rope, taking care to cover all the exposed wires and to seal the neck of the socket.
6 Inspection
After completion the socketed assembly should be checked visually to ensure that:
a) the socket and rope axes are aligned;
b) the annulus between the rope and socket neck is even and filled with socketing material;
c) the larger end of the socket is completely filled and the wires are protruding.

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