BS C 19:1986 download.British Standard Aerospace Series : Specification for Aircraft pressure replenishment connection for engine oil (inch dimensions).
1 Scope
BS C 19 specifies the mating dimensions and clearance envelope for a pressure replenishment coupling for engine oil.
NOTE 1. The title of the publication referred to In BS C 19 is listed on the inside back page.
NOTE 2. The latest revision of an Aerospace Series standard is indicated by a prefix number.
2 Requirements
2.1 Connections
The connections shall comply with the minimum requiremenu and basic dimensions shown in inches in figure 1 and table 1.
NOTE. The metric dime.uions are approximations.
2.2 Access clearance
The minimum dimensions in inches of the access clearance envelope to be provided around the connections shall be in accordance with figure 1 and table 1.
BS C 19:1986 download
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