BS ISO 16924:2016 download.Natural gas fuelling stations LNG stations for fuelling vehicles.
1 Scope
BS ISO 16924 specifies the design, construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of stations for fuelling liquefied natural gas (LNG) to vehicles, including equipment, safety and control devices.
BS ISO 16924 also specifies the design. construction. operation, maintenance and inspection of fuelling stations for using LNG as an onsite source for fuelling CNG to vehicles (LCNG fuelling stations), Including safety and control devices of the station and specific LCNG fuelling station equipment.
NOTE Specific CNG equipmen is dealt with In ISO I &923
BS ISO 16924 Is applicable to fuelling stations receiving LNG and other hqueiled methane-rich gases that comply with local applicable gas composition regulation or with the gas quality requirements of
ISO 13686.
BS ISO 16924 includes all equipment from the LNC storage tank filling connection up to the fuelling nozzle on the vehide. The LNG storage tank filling connection itself and the vehicle fuelling nozzle are not covered in BS ISO 16924.
BS ISO 16924 indudes fuelling stations having the following characteristics:
— private access:
— public access (self-service or assisted):
— metered dispensing and non metered dispensing;
— fuelling stations with fixed ING storage;
— fuelling stations with mobile LNG storage:
— movable fuelling stations;
— mobile fuelling stations:
— multi-fuel stations.
2 NormatIve references
The following documents are referred to in the text In such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
1504126 (all parts). Safety devices fur protection against excessive pressure
ISO 9606-I. Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1 Steels
ISO 12100, Safety of machinery — General principles [or design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
ISO 12617, Road vehides — Liquefied natural gas (LNG) refuelling connector — 3,1 MPo connector
ISO 13709, Centrifugal pumps for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries
movable LNG fuelling station
LNG luelling station (and/or LCNG fuelling station) having an LNG storage tank capacity of more than
1 000 litres and consisting of one or more units intended for easy installation and possible relocation
multi-fuel station
fuelling station that can fuel natural gas as well as other fuels, For example diesel, petrol, LPG
natural gas
complex gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons, primarily methane, but generally includes ethane, propane and higher hydrocarbons, and some non-combustible gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide
Note I to entry: Natural gas can also contain components or containmenis such as sulphur compounds and/or other chemicals.
(SOURCE: ISO 14532:2014, 2.L1.11
net positive suction head
inlet total head increased by the head (in flowing liquid) corresponding to the atmospheric pressure at the test location and decreased by the sum of the head corresponding to the vapour pressure of the pump liquid at the inlet temperature and the inlet impeller height
LSOURCE: ISO 24490:2016,351
not capable of undergoing combustion under specified conditions
(SOURCE: ISO 13943:2008, 4.2391
normal operation
situation when the equipment is operating within its design parameters
(SOURCE: ISO 16110-1:2007, 3.501
intensely smelling organic chemical or combination of chemicals added to natural gas at low concentration and capable of iniparting a characteristic and distinctive (usually disagreeable) warning odour so gas leaks can be detected at concentrations below their lower flammability limit
Note 1 to entry: ISO/TR 16922 gIves the specifications and guidelines for the methods to be used In the odorizatlon of natural gas under a safety point or view and specifics the principles (or the odorizatlon technique (including handling and storage of odorants) and the control of odorization of natural gas.
(SOURCE: ISO 14532:2014. 2,8.1, modIfied — Note ito entry has been added.)
process of introducing odorant(s) into natural gas
equipment used to Introduce odorant Into natural gas
5.2.3 Fire righting
5.23.1 Fire-fighting equipment shall be available at the LNG fuellIng station in accordance with the requirements of the local fire prevention authority. Access routes far movement of fire-fighting equipment to an LNG fuelling station shall be maintained at all times.
52.3.2 There shall be at least one dry powder fire extinguisher of suitable size near every dispenser. FIre-fighting procedures approved by the local fire prevention authority shall be available at the LNG fuelling station.
52.3.4 A simplified version of Are-fighting procedures shall be displayed at (a) suitable place(s) on the site. Indication of the positions of ESD manual buttons should be included in the procedures.
5.3 Explosion protection measures
53.1 Explosion protection measures shall be taken In accordance with the applicable parts of
(EC 60079.
5.3.2 All electrical and non-electrical equipment and components used in hazardous areas shall be designed and manufactured according to good engineering practice and shall conform with the requirements categories for Group II, Class TI equipment to ensure avoidance of any ignition source as specified in IEC 60079.
5.3.3 Ignition in explosive atmospheres shall be prevented by the use of protection systems defined in the applicable parts of IEC 60079 series where the applicable hazard zones are defined in IEC 60079-10-1.
5.3.4 Non-electrical equipment and components used In potentially explosive atmospheres shall comply with the requirements of applicable standards (e.g. EN 13463-I).
6 General design requirements
6.1 General
6.1.1 Design philosophy All equipment, components, pipework, fittings and materials shall be assembled in a manner suitable for their intended use, for the lull range of process conditions fpressures. fluids, temperatures. and weather conditions (maximum and minimum ambient temperature, maximum wind, maximum rainfall, maximum snowfall, elc.)j and loadings that can occur under normal and extreme conditions, such as an earthquake. Equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. The design shall take Into consideration the need to depressurize pressurized components prior to removal for maintenance purposes. This can be achieved by the provision olvalves and gauges to validate that sections are depressurized before service interventions. The LNG fuelling station shall be designed and constructed such that any maintenance or servicing of the LNG fuelling station does not adversely affect the composition of LNG supplied from the LNG fuelling station. In particular, moisture shall be prevented from entering the LNG equipmenl lithis cannot be achieved, the equipment shall be dried prior to operation with LNG.
— luelling procedures and any other routine actions needed for long term operation of the LNG fuelling station;
— assessment of normal and abnormal operation ol equipment:
— actions to be taken in emergency situations (e.g. ESD);
— other safety procedures and precautions;
— lIre fighting to the extent of the responsibility of each individual.
Training shall be conducted upon employment and at least every two years thereafter as well as after
any change of procedures.
19.5.2 All LNG fuelling station personal shall be trained immediately upon commencement of their employment.
19.5.3 For customers of self.scrvlce LNG fuelling stations, additional precautions shall be taken as follows.
— Arrangements shall be made to ensure that only trained customers, registered with the LNG fuelling station operating company have access to fuelling and that the vehicle to be fuelled is suitable for refuelling at the LNG fuelling Station and is registered with the LNG fuelling station operating company.
— Instructions posted at the dispenser shall be detailed and clear with respect to self-service operation.
— A fixed communication system shall be provided to allow conimurncation from the LNG fuelling station to a help desk
19.6 Installation and operating instructions
19.6.1 The installation and operating instructions shall be delivered with the fuelling station in the official language of the country of installation or region. as specified by the fuelling station operating company. Application of the local or otherwise agreed language may be limited to certain level of documents by agreement between the vendor and the fuelling station operating company.
19.6.2 The Installatloii and operating instructions shall contain, as a minimum, Instructions on the
— how to Install the equipment including assembly of pressure equipment;
— how to put the LNG fuelling station into service;
— the proper operation of the LNG fuelling station;
— theminimurnrequirementsformaintenanceofthel.NGfuellingstationincludingroutinelnspections by the operator (e.g. the visual Inspection of the fuelling hose and nozzle);
— the requirements for periodic inspection of the LNG fuelling station;
— the requirements for periodic replacement of the hoses;
— the requirements for markings and warning signs that shall be permanently displayed at the LNG fuelling station, as required by
19.6.3 For a full understanding of the instructions technical information, drawings and diagrams should be Included.
BS ISO 16924:2016 download
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