BS ISO 17464:2016 download.Pneumatic tubes for automotive vehicles Technical requirements and test methods.
BS ISO 17464 specifies the technical requirt’inents and test methods (or tubes of pneumatic tyres for automotive vehicles.
2 NormatIve references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in BS ISO 17464 and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (Including any amendments) applies.
ISO 37, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties
ISO 188, Rubber. vukamzed or therrooplastk — Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests
ISO 3877.3. 7)n-es, valves and tubes — List o[equivaler,t terms — Part 3: Tubes
ISO 9413. 7)rw valves — Dimensions and designation
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of BS ISO 17464, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3877.3 apply.
4 Materials, form and fit
4.1 The tubes shall be manufactured from an appropriate rubber compound and vulcanized to an endless annubr ring shape and shall be with a valve or spud conforming to ISO 9413.
42 The tubes shall be classified into the following two classes:
a) class A — natural rubber and its derivatives and blends;
b) class B — butyl rubber/halobutyl rubber and Its derIvative and blends.
4.2.1 A blend shall be named after prime rubber whose percentage by volume Is more than 60 % in the compound.
4.3 The tube shall be uniform in thickness, free from flaws and designed to lit in a tyre of the corresponding nominal size.
4.3.1 ThIckness uniformity
Except for the region at or near lap or splice, the thickness of the tube when measured along the longitudinal direction of the tube shall not vary from the arithmetic mean of the readings by ±17,5% at any point.
5 Test requirements
5.1 Each type of tube shall conform to the following requirements.
5.1.1 Elongation
Dumbbell test pieces punched out in circumferential direction of the tube when tested in accordance ISO 37 and Annex A shall have elongation at break not less than 500 % for “class A” tubes and not less than 450% for “class B” tubes.
5.1.2 Strength of splice
Tensile strength of splice determined on dumbbell in accordance with ISO 37 and Annex A shall not be
less than 85 kgf/cm2 for “class A” tubes and 35 kgl/cm2 for “class B” tubes.
5.1.3 Set after ageing
Dumbbell test pieces punched out in circumferential direction of the tube when subjected to test conditions and test procedure In accordance with Annex B shall have set after ageing not more than 25 % for “class A” tubes and not more than 35% for “class B” tubes.
5.1.4 Accelerated ageing
Dumbbell test pieces punched out in circumferential direction of the tube body when subjected to accelerated ageing test at (100 t 2) “C for 48 h and tested in accordance with ISO 37, iSO 188 and Annex C shalt not have a percentage drop in elongation at break more thaii 35% from original, for both “class A” and “class B” tubes.
6 Air tightness
Each type of tube with valves attached shall be inflated to lust round out and tested in water for the evidence of any leakage. Alternatively, vacuum leak or pressure-less detection method may be used as per the manufacturers’ practice in lieu of the water test method. The tube shall not show any leakage
7 MarkIng
7.1 Tubes shall be permanently and legibly marked on the outside with the foflowing.
a) The manufacturer’s name or trade name.
b) The tyre size designation or designations for which the tube is applicable. The size designation description shall contain the following:
1) the nominal tyre section width code;
2) the nominal rim diameter code;
3) the nominal aspect ratio. ilapplicable;
4) R to Identify radial tyre application;
5) the character or the letter D to identify bias tyre application.
c) The manufacturing month and year shall be indicated clearly with the appropriate method, and one scheme example is given in Annex D.
d) The word BUTYL and/or blue line of 2.0 mm minimum width to Identify tube of class B standard.
8 Sampling
The scale of sampling and the criteria of acceptance shall be as agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
BS ISO 17464:2016 download
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