ISO 1009:2000 pdf free download.Photography – Paper dimensions-Rolls for printers.
1 Scope
ISO 1009 the aim and toleranc, values for the nominal WidthS of rolls of blackand-white and colour photographic papers for use in contact and protection printers.
It also specifies splice parameters, core dimenaions, requirements for winding, and package marking.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain prcvwions which. through reference in this text, constitute provisions of ISO 1009. For dated references, subsequent amendments to. or revisions of. any of these ptiilications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on ISO 1009 are encouraged to investigate the posstiflty of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to appbes Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 1:1975. Standard reference temperature for industrial length measurements.
ISO 554:1976. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing — Spec Wrcations,
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
aim dimension
preferred dimension at which the manufacturing process should be aimed or designed
physical mass, which serves as the central pail of a wound roll of paper, that has no flanges at its ends and is generally cylindrical
nominal size
size reference that appears on product labels and in catalogues
preferred sizes
industry standard sizes, determined by most frequent user demand (number of unrns) and product volume (square metres)
NOTE Designers of rww equipnent are encouraged to use preferred sizes whenever poistle.
recognized sizes
sizes that are significant in the industry, but are not so generally used that they are selected as preferred sizes
NOTE The category assists the reader to understand the requirements br ceflaln sizes that r?w have been once preferred and are becoming less popular, or e new and e beming more pop’ar.
union ot two pieces of material, olned to form a single peace
4 CondItions for measurement of dimensions
The dllmensions and tolerances specified in ISO 1009 shall apply at the time of manufacture. measured under atmospheric conditions of (23 ± 2) C and (50±5) % relative humidity, as specified In ISO 554 (see annex A).
All measuring instrument calibrations shall be conducted at a temperature of 20 C (as specified in ISO 1) and a relative humIdity 0150%.
5 Paper widths
5.1 Preferred widths
Aim and tolerance values for preferred roll widths shall conform to the specifications given In Table 1. New equipment should be designed to accept only the preferred-width rolls specilied in Table 1.
6 Length of rolls
The usethie lengths of rolls shl not be less than their nominal lengths: howeve, nominal roll lengths are not specified In ts International Standard.
7 Splices
7.1 Number of splices
A maximum of one spece per roll Is preferred. regarless of length: however, up to two splices are recognized in
rolls longerttian 100 m. uptothreein rolls longerlhan250 m. and uplotourspliceswi rolls Iongerthan 350 m.
7.2 SplIcing material requirements
The splicing material shall be chemically inert to photographic processing sokflions, and physically unimpaKed by the processing treatment and by stresses imposed during subsequent mechanical and manual operations.
7.3 Splice thickness
The thickness of tape splices shall not exceed double the paper thickness. I-toweve, ovetapping spreces may exceed dole the paper thickness by up 100,10 mm.
The thickness shall be measured with a thickness gauge that has a probe diameter of more than 5 mm, and preterabty 10mm.
The overlapping length shaM not exceed 13mm and the paper shall be welded on all of its width, without raised edges
7.4 Splice detection
An elongated ho4e or slot shaH be provided ahead of each splice to permit automatic splice detection, The posilion and dImensions of this opening are Specified In Figure 1.
7.5 Length aflowance
The length of rolls shafl be Increased by an amount not less than (A + 300 mm) for each sp4ice
8 Cores
The width of the core should be less than the width of the paper roll.
A cors wider than the width of the rol is needed in some applications, but any protrusion shalt not exceed 1 mm.
The Internal chameler of the core shall be (7ei ) mm.
9 Winding
For rols narrower than 50,8 cm. the Preferred winding orientation is sensitized side out. For rolls wider than
50,8 cm. the preferred winding orientation is sensitized side in.
The per should not be attached to the core.
The effective roil width, which inckides any paper telescoping and core protrusion. sha8 not exceed the macmnan allowed slitting width by more than 1 mm,
10 Package marking
10.1 Data
Sufficient data shalt be provided on me product’s package to inform the user of corect use arid handling. Product packages shall be marked so as to indtcate
a) product name and size.
b) conditions of use (such as sale4iit). and Cf conditions of shipping and storage.
To accomish this, each of the packages whd’i constitute the producrs packaging should be marked so as to
indicate one or more of the following’1:
— product name or trade name — for unit packages, a reasonable effort shall be made to make this item legdile under recommended satel.ght conditions:
— name or trade mark of the manufacturer:
— manufacture(s catalogue identificahon number
— bar-code information:
information to assist recycling of waste packaging;
There can be legal reemeres ii ceilain countries for other data to be marked an the packages.
— quantity of iits contained In the package;
— product name or trade name of sensitized materiaJ;
— nominal product d.menslons, fr metric units, with the smaler dimension first:
— batch number and/or parent roll number:
— expiration dale or develop belore date or inventory control code;
— manufacturers recommended satehght conditions2’:
— manufactures recommended storage conditions
— indication of winding. if plicable21.
10.2 Compliance
If it e desired to indicate conqfiance of the product with ISO 1009, the following wording shall be used:
Complying with ISO 1009.
ISO 1009:2000 pdf free download
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