ISO 897:2000 download

07-02-2021 comment

ISO 897:2000 download.Photography— Roll films, 126, 110 and 135-size films — Identification of the image-bearing side.
ISO 897 specifies different means of identification of the image-bearing side of roll films and 128. 110 and 135saze films that carry edge markings.
ISO 897 is not applicable to cinematographic films.
2 Normative reference
The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference In this teat. constitute piovIsns ol ISO 897. For dated references, subsecient amendments to. or revisions 01. any Of these plicatIons do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on ISO 897 are encouraged to investigate the possibdity 01 app1ng the most recent edition of the normative document caIed below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normattve document referred to applies l.lembers of ISO and EC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 13450:1996, Photo graply — I 10-size cattr*ge. film and backing paper— Dimensions.
3 Marks
The marks In the margins may consist of letters, words, numbers (inchng frame numbenng) andlor arrows. of which suggested forms are shown In Figure 1.
4 Position and orientation of the marks
The orientation specified for the marks ensures that the lettering and frame numbers read normelly if induded ii photographic prints When the processed hbii is viewed from the side opposite to the image-beanng side, the different ma,1s shall be oriented as follows.
a) Lellers. words or numbers shall appear In the correct orientation br reading, whatever the relative orientation of images and marks (see Figure 2, note 4).
b) Frame numbering
— For roll llhns and 126 and 135slze films, thee sapience shall increase from lell to right as shown in rçure 2.
— For 110-size films, their sequence shall increase from riit to left as specified in ISO 13450 and shown In Figure 3.
c) If arrows are used, there should preterably be at least one per exposure. Their c*rection shall be as follows.
— For roll Films and 126 and 135-sq. films, the arrows in the margins shall point in an anlicloclcwise dtechon (also called counterdockwise) as shown Ei Figure 2.
— For 110-size films, the arrows between the frames and above the frame numbers shall point to the left when the numbers are read normally, as shown in Figure 3.
NOTE 1 The mage-beafwg sicfe Is me side away from the obwver. NOTE 2 Arrowa may be on one or both edges, NOTE 3 Letters or ,itanbers may be used as eel as arrows.
NOTE 4 With certain cameras in which the film rn running from ngid to left (v*ewed from the back of the camera), images are up&dedoe1 acoording to letters or maPbers.

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