ISO 26262-1:2018 pdf free download.Road vehicles – Functional safety Part 1 Vocabulary.
The ISO 26262 series of standards is the adaptation of IEC 61508 series of standards to address the sector specific needs of electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems within road vehicles.
This adaptation applies to all activities during the safety lifecycle of safety.related systems comprised of electrical, electronic and software components.
Safety is one of the key Issues in the development of road vehicles. Development and integration of automotive I unctionalities strengthen the need for functional safety and the need to provide evidence that functional safety objectives are satisfied,
With the trend of Increasing technological complexity, software content and mechatronlc implementation. there are increasing risks from systematic failures and random hardware failures, these being considered within the scope of functional safety. ISO 26262 series of standards Includes guidance to mitigate these risks by providing appropriate requirements and processes.
To achieve functional safety, the ISO 26262 series of standards:
a) provides a reference for the automotive safety llfecycle and supports the tailoring of the activities to be performed during the lifecyde phases. i.e., development, production, operation, service and decommissioning:
b) provides an automotive-specific risk-based approach to determine integrity levels [Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASILs)I;
c) uses ASILs to specify which of the requirements of ISO 26262 are applicable to avoid unreasonable residual risk:
d) provides requirements for functional safety management, design, implementation, verification, validation and confirmation measures; and
e) provides requirements for relations between customers and suppliers.
The ISO 26262 series of standards is concerned with functional safety of E/E systems that is achieved through safety measures including safety mechanisms. It also provides a framework within which safety-related systems based on other technologies (e.g. mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic) can be considered.
The achievement of functional safety is influenced by the development process (Including such activities as requirements specification, design, implementation, integration, verification, validation and configuration), the production and service processes and the management processes.
ISO 26262-1 is intended to be applied to safety-related systems that include one or more electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems and that are installed In series production road vehicles, excluding mopeds. ISO 26262-1 does not address unique E/E systems in special vehicles such as E/E systems designed for drivers with disabilities.
NOTE Other dedicated appIicaton-speclfic safety standards exist and can complement the ISO 26262 series of standards or vice versa.
Systems and their components released for production, or systems and their components already under development prior to the publication date of this document, are exempted from the scope of this edition. ISO 26262-1 addresses alterations to existing systems and their components released for production prior to the publication of this document by tailoring the safety lifecycle depending on the alteration. ISO 26262-1 addresses integration of existing systems not developed according to this document and systems developed according to this document by tailoring the safety lifecycle.
ISO 26262-1 addresses possible hazards caused by malfunctioning behaviour of safety-related E/E systems, including interaction of these systems. It does not address hazards related to electric shock, fire, smoke, heat, radiation, toxicity, flammability, reactivity, corrosion, release of energy and similar hazards, unless directly caused by malfunctioning behaviour of safety-related E/E systems.
ISO 26262-1 describes a framework for functional safety to assist the development of safety- related E/E systems. This framework is intended to be used to integrate functional safety activities into a company-specific development framework. Some requirements have a clear technical focus to implement functional safety into a product; others address the development process and can therefore be seen as process requirements in order to demonstrate the capability of an organization with respect to functional safety.
ISO 26262-1defines the vocabulary of terms used In the ISO 26262 series of standards.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of ISO 26262-1. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 26262 (all parts). Road vehicles — Functional safety
robust design
design that can function correctly in the presence of invalid inputs or stressful environmental conditions
Note Ito entry: Robustness can be understood as follows:
— For software, robustness Is the ability to respond to abnormal inputs and conditions;
— for hardware, robustness is the ability to be immune to environmental stress and stable over the service life
within design limits; and
— In the context of the Iso 26262 serIes of standards, robustness is the ability to provide safe behaviour at
safe fault
fault (15.4) whose occurrence will not significantly Increase the probability of violation of a safety goal (1139)
Note 1 to entry: As shown in ISO 26262-5:2018. Annex B, both non-safety and safety-related elements (1144) can have safe faults.
Note 2 to entry: Single-point faults (i1S), residual faults (i1Z) and dual-point faults (139) do not constitute safe faults.
Note 3 to entry: Unless shown relevant in the salèty (jjj) concept. muItiple-prnntjáults (i91) with higher order than 2 can be considered as safe faults.
safe state
operating mode (3..1f22), in case of a failure (3.50), of an item (3A4) without an unreasonable level of risk (3.i.Zf)
Note Ito entry: See Figure 5.
Note 2 to entry: While normal operation can be considered safe, the definition of safe state Is only in the case of failure (3.50) in the context of the ISO 26262 serIes of standards.
safety measure
activity or technical solution to avoid or control systematic failures (3.164) and to detect or control random hardware failures (1118). or mitigate their harmful effects
Note Ito entry: Safety measures Include safety mechanisms (3.142).
EXAMPLE FMEA. or software without the use of global variables.
safety mechanism
technical solution implemented by E/E functions or elements (141). or by other technologies (3.105). to detect and mitigate or tolerate faults (3.54) or control or avoid failures (150) in order to maintain intended functionality (3.83) or achieve or maintain a safe state (1131)
Note 1 to entry: Safety mechanisms are implemented within the item (3.U4) to prevent faults (154) from leading to single-point failures (3J.55) and to preventfaulrs (154) from being latent faults (las).
Note 2 to entry: The safety mechanism Is either:
a) able to transition to, or maintain thy item (jfl4) in a safe state (3J.3j). or
b) able to alert the driver such that the driver is expected to control the effect of the failure (3.5). as defined in the functional safety concept (3.U).
safety plan
plan to manage and guide the execution of the safety activities (1133) of a protect including dates, milestones, tasks, deliverables, responsibilities and resources
safety-related element
element (3.41) that has the potential to contribute to the violation otor achievement or a safety gao1 (3.139)
Note Ito entry: Fail-sale elements(3.A1) are considered safety-related if they can contribute to at least one saèty goal (1139).
safety-related function
function that has the potential to contribute to the violation of or achievement of a safely goal (3.139)
variance in T&H vehicle operation
use of a T&B vehicle with different dynamic characteristics influenced by cargo or towing during the service life of the vehicle
EXAMPLE T&B with or without load, T&B with variations In load distribution, truck (1124) with or without trailer (3Jjjj, tractor (1120) wIth or without semitrailer (115J) (tractor (1110) solo).
vehicle function
behaviour of the vehicle, intended by the implementation of one or more items (14), that is observable by the customer
EXAMPLE An automatlc cruise corttrol is a vehicle function that can be implemented, using different ECIJs and a variety of’ sensor technology (e.g. Radar, Lidar. Camera).
vehicle operating state
operating mode (3JA2) In combination with the operational situation (3.1Q4)
Note I to entry: The vehicle operating state Is determined by the currently provided performance of the specified functionality (e.g. highly automated driving) within the current driving situation (e.g. on the highway at 120 km/h), The ASIL (16) rating of the hazardous event (127) (e.g. sudden loss of the specified functionality) is dependent on the current vehicle operating state (e.g. sudden loss of highly automated driving capability is more critical at high speeds than at very low speeds); sudden loss of highly automated driving capability at high speeds is not an issue If the system (3.163) is not in operation, i.e. the system (3.163) fails while the driver is In control.
ISO 26262-1:2018 pdf free download
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