BS 8610:2017 download.Personal fall protection equipment Anchor systems-Specification.
BS 8610 is intended for the type testing of anchor systems and gives only minimum performance requirements. It is essential that anchor systems are designed and manufactured so that, in the foreseeable conditions of use for which they are intended, the user is able to perform the risk-related activity while being appropriately protected at the highest possible level.
BS 8610 presumes that the manufacturer of the relevant parts of the anchor system, for the sake of consistency and traceability, operates a quality management system which complies with regulations in force at the time. Guidance on the form this quality management system could take can be found in BS EN ISO 9001.
0.2 Advice on using this British Standard
It is recommended that BS 8610 is read in the following order to ensure the correct category of anchor system is selected and tested.
a) Clause 0. Table 1 and Table 2: depending on which category of anchor system has been chosen, select:
1) the category of anchor system, i.e. non-load-limiting or load-limiting;
2) the type of anchor system, i.e. type A, type C or type D; and
3) an application or applications that apply (application codes 1 to 7).
3.8 energy-dissipating element
element of an anchor system that dissipates the kinetic energy developed during a fall from a height NOTE Wire rope used in type C anchor systems is not considered to be an energy-dissipating element.
3.9 evacuation
transfer of a person or persons from a place of danger or difficulty to a place of safety
3.10 evacuation system
personal fall protection system by which a person or persons can transfer themselves, or be transferred, from a place of danger to a place of safety, in such a way that a free fall is prevented
3.11 extremity anchor
element connecting the extremity of a flexible anchor line or rigid anchor line to the base material
3.12 fall arrest system
personal fall protection system which limits the impact force on the body of the user during fall arrest
[SOURCE: 13S EN 363:2008,]
3.27 prIncipal safety-critical direction(s)
direction or directions of loading applied during testing intended to cover the range of directions of loading that could occur in use
NOTE I See 5j_Z
NOTE 2 Th. cipals fltkaI*recUons of?oodir are considered to be the most onerous In wrnn of exposing potential wei,knesses In the anchor systm
3.28 traveller
clement with an anchor point intended to travel atong a horizontal anchor line NOTE I Trawi’Jrrs are also known as shuttles, troittys, niobik anchor petnst
NOTE 2 The definition also tncIud simple tnwrNen jsich as a connector attached threcl’ to hoviztsIal anchor line or a textilt or im4re thmj passed mr a rigid red end linked by a connector
3.29 work positioning system
personal lail protection system which enables the user to work in tension or suspension in such a way that a free fall Is prevented
ISOURCE: BS EN 363:2008.3.2.121
4 Anchor system requirements
Where the manufacturer wishes to claim tnn or snare opphcotit,n codes for an anchor t.m type and where th deforvnatlon, dynamk performance, statIc strength and prtnra pal safetyevluail test direction requfrrmcnts for one opplicalioii meets or exceeds the reqWrements jbr another application for a ttated maximum s)stem rating (SR,,,,J, and maximum roted mass (RM_J. the test laboratory conductIng the assessment con. at their discretion, waive the need for repeat or superfluous testing.
4.1 General requirements
4.1,1 Anchor systems shall be tested In the base materials that the manufacturer permits, unless otherwise specified In the relevant test methods (see C1iue S). When tests are earned out in such base materials. they shall be carried out In base materials of suitable strength and dimensions so as to validate the structural limitations to be provided In 2.3 d).
4.1.2 Anchor systems shall be tested in each relevant salety-critical direction. e.g in tension, in shear, or a combination of the two (see 5.4.3 and Figure 10).
by the manufacturer and test laborator) shall be tested. ensuring the limit Is set for the configuration that could be offered. e.g. the tallest post, each type of base plate.
4.2.4 lIthe geonwtr) configuration or material of an anchor device, including the structural anchor, diflers from the one that has been tested as part of the anchor system, the anchor system shall be verified by testing In accordance with Clause 5, or proven by cakubtion with the results recorded.
4.1.5 DurIng deformation tests, cracks, ruptures or unintended tears of any part of the anchor system. visible with normal or corrected vision, shall not be permitted.
4.1.6 Where deformation tests and static strength tests are carried out simultaneously, (i.e. for type Al and type Dl anchor systems), cracks, ruptures or unintended tears of any part of the anchor system, visible with normal or corrected vision, shall not be permitted.
4.1.7 During dynamic performance tests and static strength tests, any sign or evidence of partial (allure of the anchor system. e.g. cracks, ruptures or unintended tears, visible with normal or corrected vision, shall not be classed as a failure, but shall be detailed in the test report (see Annex A).
4.2 Pee-testIng verification and recordIng requirements
4.2.1 Prior to testing, elements of the anchor system, when appropriate, shall be verified by
a) confirming appropriate documentation;
bJ visual and/or tactile examination;
c) weighing elements: and
d) measuring.
in order to ensure conformity to 413 to 4,Z.B, 4,3 and £4. with the exception of 4,3,L1 which shall be checked upon completion of the corrosion resistance test (see 5,$).
4.2.2 It shall not be possible for elements of the anchor system to become unlntentlonatiy detached, NOTE Etsrn,pks o,trkmrnta which could become u tent ione1r detudwd idudr .wn’permanenUy bending juteun’!, e nuts or other iiirrodntfoitrnerx. These eknwats con be prrurrit ed from innthrrrtrnz Sooseaiug eg the odthcwo of rdJeckung nuts. Whwestwrs. nhek of nuskers, sazking pernhvg. spbt orroli-pimiSng.
4.2.3 If an element of the anchor system can be removed, it shall be designed such that It can only be detached after carrying out two separate, consecutive and deliberate manual actions.
4.2.4 For anchor systems Which Include removable elements, those elements shall be such that they cannot appear to be positively locked together when they are not, due to incorrect assembly.
4.2.5 Anchor points shall be so designed to ensure easy engagement and disengagement of the connector or connectors supplied or recommended by the manufacturer. Gales or other dosing mechanisms of the connector shall he able to close and be locked without interference when engaged In the anchor point. Connectors shall be able to rotate freely around the anchor point in such a way that they can selI’align Ithe directions of use and In the principal safety-critical directions when under load, Rotation and alignment under load shall not be so Impeded to allow loading on the gale or other closing mechanism.
MOTh’ The protects qalnsc uwcnes berni rncurrectlyloa.irdasd/or berotnuig detached urflnte,ition4y durtni iis After testing in accordance with 5.8, there shall be no corrosion of the base metal from which the metal element is made that would affect the functional operation olthe anchor system.
mmi The pewnce qrantibIng and white scaling is occeptsbk.
NOTE 2 Care should be lake,, by the me..a4uctwer to ensure different metals we not con,bO,ed Ut wch a way that there could be an athtersegalswtic reOction. WIre ropes shaU be made from stainless steel, or galvanized steel conforming to BS EN 1 2385-4. Galvanizing of steel wire ropes shall be in accordance with ISO 2232. Other steel elements shaH be galvanized In accordance with HS EN ISO 1461.
4.3.2 Textile elements Load.bcaring textile elements shall only be used If the manufacturer can demonstrate through documented evidence that they Incorporate sufficient protection against ultraviolet degradation for their foreseeable life. The manufacturer shall provide documented evidence that textIle elements are made from virgin mono-Eliament or multi-Illament synthetic fibres.
NOTE Examples a(taxrrle elements are ftbrr rapes. we bbrng and snrrng threads
4.3.23 The ,nanubcturer shaH provide documented evidence that the breaking tenacity of synthetic fibres Is a minimum olO.6 N/tex. Threads used (or sewing shall be a contrasting shade or colour when compared to the rope or webbing to facilitate visual inspection,
4.3.3 Connectors
Where connectors are supplied with the anchor system, they shall conform to BS EN 362.
4.3.4 Wire rope terminations WIre rope terminations (see Figure 11 and Figure 12) shall not include U-bolt wire rope grips in any part of the anchor system. Any eyelet terminations shall Include a compatible thimble, Where a swaged ferrule is used to manufacture the termination:
a) there shall be a gap between the thimble points and ferrule after the swaging operation; and
b) the tail of the wire rope shall protrude from the ferrule after the swaging operation bya minimum amount.
in accordance with the Information supplied hy the ferrule manufacturer. Materials used for the wire rope termination shall be compatible with the materials used for the wire rope. e.g. copper ferrule and stainless.strel wire rope.
b) the values at the extremity anchors and the maximum deflection of the flexible anchor hoe shall be measured and recorded and not vary by more than ±10% for restraint from the data provided by the manufacturer (see
NOTE This wrlftcatiot is ssenthi to ensure that whtn a CI restrei,W .srem Is Installed. the amount c’ meajese,,, wire rope deflection Is known. so It cms be take,, into s.accousg when lteermlahsg the position tIthe corsystem tocosore that the trove,’ of assets ,vlJIbe ntiuaedfr,wi, hiogaposluonfresiv whisk afaR
fran, a keØtcoeWaccw. When tested In accordance with the relevant single-span or multi-span anchor system dynamic performance test for fall arrest listed In Table 3. as appropnate:
a) the maximum load (T,,,,,) measured and recorded at the extremity anchor shall not exceed 50% of the minimum material breaking strength ci the flexible anchor hne (e.g. wire rope, fibre rope or webbing) as sped lied in 7.1 v): and
b) the values at the extremity anchors and the maximum deflection of the flexible anchor line shall be measured and recorded and not vary by more than ±20% from the data provided by the manufacturer (see Type Cl Restraint — non-load-limiting COMMENTARY ON 4.32.2
type Cl covers rrstnnnr — (see Table 1). The niaxtnium number of users permitted shall be in accordance with the information supplied by the manufacturer, but shall be no more than three (see also Clause 6 and Claute 7), Anchor devkes used as part ola type CI .inc-hor system shall conform to the static strength requirements of ItS EN 795:2012,5.5.4. which shall be confirmed by documented evidence from a test laboratory in accordance with 5.1. When tested in accordance with 5.6.1 and the relevant anchor dcvice deformation test listed En Table
3, with the load applied to:
a) extremity anchors
b) [ntermediate anchors, where fitted: and
c) corner anchors, where fitted.
the anchor device shall hold the load and no part of these elements shall demonstrate permanent deformation cit more than 10mm.
NOTE On’y car user per ext remlry enckir/Intermediora anchor and cornet anchot Is envtwjed or the other user(s) Is likely to he thewj,.re on the anchor systsn,. When tested In accordance with 5.6.1 and the relevant anchor system static strength test listed in Table 3. with the load applied via the anchor point on each traveller to:
a) the flexible anchor line at the centre of the longest span permitted by the manubcturer
b) the entry/exit lane llWngs and joint(s), where fitted. the anchor system shall hold the load. When tested In accordance with 5.6.1 md the relevant anchor system static strength test listed in Table 3. wIth the load applied via the anchor point on each traveller at an Intermediate anchor, where fitted, the anchor system shall hold the IoacL
NOTE Only one owe per inemmeduse anchor is eivvaqed as the other user(s) Is likely to be elsewhere on the anc*or,ystIn,.
5.5.3 Type AZ, type A3 and type AS
Type A2 owers (of? orrrg – mrn-Ioad-flmIling (see ThbIe 1)
Type AS covers rope access and -posltionln9 non-load-limIting (see Tabk I).
Type AS covers rescue – renwt4, or self.opera ted – direct attachment – non-lood-llmlUng (see ThbIe 1). Delormation test — procedure Attach the anchor system to the static strength test apparatus (see 5.3) and apply a loud equivalent to:
(a 3 RU ‘“)kN.wItha minimum olni3 kNfor(3 °)mIn.
a number of users permitted by the manulactu ret Release the load and measure and record the permanent deformation. Dynamic perfonnance test — procedure Use the same anchor system as that used in the dcfonnation test (see 5.5.11). Attach the anchor system to the dynamic performance test apparatus (see 5.22). Attach a load cr11 to the anchor device, with the free end of the load cell attached to the connecting line and the free end of the connecting line to a test lanyard in accordance with 52.1 (see Figure 13). Attach a quick release device to the test mass, which has a mass equivalent to 100 kg. Attach the test mass, by means of a connector, to the free end of the test lanyard. Move the test mass downwards until the test lanyard is taut and measure and record the position of the test mass. Raise the test mass to the free tall distance determined In 53…L4 and hold at a maximum of 300 mm horizontally from the suspension point (see FIgure 14), Release the test mass and measure and record the following:
a) maximum load at the anchor point;
b) the deflection of the anchor device;
c) the displacement of the anchor point; and
d) if the anchor system Is equipped with a fall or overload indicator, check whether it Indicates that a fall has occurred. Repeat the test described In to 5.5323 but without the need to measure and record the results described in a), b). c) and d). only recording lithe teat mass has been held clear of the ground or not.
NOTE This second testis to take nitoaccounrtheporsmblhtycfa strand jtiU by the seer, e, during sr.reww. For a two•user anchor system, after carrying out the tests described in to leave the 100 kg test mass suspended from the anchor device and repeat the test described in to using a second 100 kg test mass and test lanyard calibrated to generate a tall arrest load of (9° ‘°) kN. Measure and record the following
a) maximum load at the anchor point; and b) the deflection of the anchor point. For both the anchor system dynamic perfonnance tests and the anchor system static strength tests. arrange the test configuration(s) to include the following:
a) the loading directions in use, e.g. Intennedlate and extrenilty anchors mounted on a wall, ceiling. motor ground;
b) the span length (see Figure 18 and Figure 19),
NOTE A qen eq vets the dtjtoi,cr bei WteIl fixed rpotnts. ag. tJemiry waechor ad N.thefr andier
c) corners: internal and external corners, maximum deviation of the flexible anchor tine fmm a straight line (see Figure 19) and
d) types and combinations of components. e.g. ener absorber(s), termlnaDon. Intennediate anchors. traveller, flexible anchor line(s). Apply the load to the flexible anchor line via the anchor point of a traveller, which Is supplied and fitted In accordance with information supplied by the manufacturer of the anchor system or as agreed between the test house sod the manufacturer. Where the intermediate anchor and corner anchor of the flexible anchor line do not permit articulation of the traveller with the direction of loading that could be applied en service, carry out the anchor system static strength test In directions both In line and perpendicular to the intermediate anchor corner anchor and structural anchors In accordance with £6.32 and For non-load- limiting anchor systems, and In accordance with 5.632 and for load-limiting anchor systems. II th flexible anchor lIne can be installed with no intermediate anchor(s), I.e. it is a single-span anchor system, configure th anchor system in accordance with:
a) 5.6.2 and £6.4 for type Cl restraint – non-load-limiting – single-span and type C2 fall arrest – non-load.limitlng – single-span; and
b) £6.1, and 5.6.8 for type Cli restraint — load-limiting- single-span and type C2L (all arrest — load-limiting- single-span. IF the flexible anchor line can be installed with an intermediate anchor(s). Le. It is a multi-span anchor system, configure the anchor system In accordance with:
a) £6.3 and £6.5 for type Cl restraint — non.load.limiting — multi-span and type C2 fall arrest – non-load-limiting – multi-span; and
b) £6.7 and 5.6.9 For type CII. restraint – load-limiting – multi-span and type CZL fall arrest – load- limiting – multi-span.
5.6.2 Type Cl — slngle.span COMMENTARY ON 5.6.2
1)’pe Cl covers restrnrnc – nori-Jood-bmIcing — single-span (see Table 1). Anchor device deformation test — procedure Carry out the test on an extremity antho. using the same anchor system set-up as that used for the anchor system static strength tesL Attach the anchor device to the static strength test apparatus (see 5.3. Figure 15 and and apply a load equivalent to:
(3 RM,,, ia%) kN, with a minimum o(3 kN for (3 *23) men.
in the principal safety-critIcal direction(s), Release the load and measure and record the permanent deformation.
BS 8610:2017 download
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