ISO 377:2013 download

06-30-2021 comment

ISO 377:2013 download.Steel and steel products — Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing.
ISO 377 specifies requirements for the identification, location and preparation of samples and test pieces intended for mechanical tests on steel sections, bars, rod, flat products and tubular products as defined in ISO 6929. II agreed in the order, this International Standard can also apply to other metallic products. These samples and test pieces are for use in tests that are carried out in conformity with the methods specified in the product or material standard or, in the absence of this, in the standard for the test method.
Where the requirements of the order or product standard differ from those given In ISO 377, then the requirements of the order or product standard apply.
2 Normative references
The following reFerenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the editions cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document. (including any amendments) apply.
ISO 3785, Metallic materials — Desljjnatlo,, of test specimen axes In relation to product texture ISO 6929. Steel products — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6929 and the following apply.
test unit
number of pieces or the tonnage ol products to accept or reject together, on the basis at the verification tests carded out on sample products in accordance with the requirements of the product standard or order
Note Ito entry: See Figure 1.
sample product
item (e.g. bar, sheet, coil) selected for inspection or testing Note Ito enry: See FigurL
sufficient quantity ci material taken from the sample product for the purpose of producing one or more test pieces
Note Ito entry: See Figure 1.
Note 2 to entry: In certain cases, the sample can be the sample product.
5.3 ConditIon and separation of samples
5.3.1 General
The material or product standard shall specify whether the test is Intended to determine the properties
a) in the as-delivered condition (see 532); or
b) in the reference condition (see 533).
5.3.2 Testing in the as-delivered condition
A sample intended for testing in the as-delivered condition shall he separated from the product either a) after the forming or heat treatment processes or both have been completed; or
b) before the heat treatment process, in which case the heat treatment of the separated sample shall be carried out under the same conditions as that of the product.
Separation ol the sample shall be carried out in such a manner so as riot to change the characteristics of that part of the sample used to provide the test pieces.
If flattening or straightening of the sample is unavoidable in the preparation of the test piece, the flattening or straightening shall be carried out cold unless otherwise specified in the product standard.
5.33 TestIng In the reference condItion
5.33.1 Sample
A sample intended for testing in the reference condition shall be separated from the product at the stage of manufacture specified in the product standard or order.
Separation of the sample shall be carried out In such a manner so as not to change the characteristics of that part of the sample used to provide the test pieces after heat treatment.
Flattening or straightening, if necessary, can be carried out either hot or cold before any heat treatment. When carried out hot, it shall be at a temperature below the final heat treatment temperature.
5.332 Rough specimen
A rough specimen intended for testing in the reference condition shall be prepared as follows.
a) Mechanical treatment prior to heat treatment: when the sample is made smaller for the process of heat treatment, the product standard shall specify the dimensions to which the rough specimen shall be reduced and the reduction process e.g. forging, rolling, machining.
b) heat treatment: the heat treatment of the rough specimen shall take place in an environment where the uniformity of the temperature is adequately ensured and the temperature is measured by means of a calibrated instrument The heat treatment shall be in accordance with the requirements of the product standard or of the order
6 Preparation of test pieces
6.1 CuttIng and machining
Cutting and machining or samples and rough specimens for the preparation of test pieces shall he carried out taking such precautions as necessary to avoid superficial work hardening and heating of the material likely to change the mechanical characteristics. After machining, any marks left by the tool that can interfere with the results of the test shall be removed, either by grinding (with ample coolant supply) or by polishing, provided that the chosen method of finishing maintains the dimensions and shape of the test piece within the tolerances specified in the standard for the appropriate test.
The tolerances on the dimensions of the test pieces shall be those specified In the standards for the appropriate test methods,
6.2 Reference heat treatment
When the required reference heat treatment is being carried out on the test piece, the provisions for heat treatment shall be the same as for the rough specimen (see 5112 h)J.

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