ISO 717-2:2013 pdf free download.Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 2: Impact sound insulation.
This part of ISO 717:
a) defines single-number quantities for impact sound insulation in buildings and of Floors;
b) gives rules for determining these quantities from the results of measurements carried out In one- third-octave bands In accordance with ISO 10140-3 and ISO 140-7. and In octave bands In accordance with that option In ISO 140-7 for field measurements only;
c) defines single-number quantities for the impact sound reduction of floor coverings and floating floors calculated from the results of measurements carried out in accordance with ISO 10140-3:
d) specifies a procedure for evaluating the weighted reduction In impact sound pressure level by floor coverings on lightweight floors.
The single-number quantities In accordance with this part of ISO 717 are intended for rating impact sound insulation and for simplifying the formulation of acoustical requirements in building codes. An additional single-number evaluation in steps of 0.1 dli is indicated for the expression of uncertainty (except for spectrum adaptation terms).The required numerical values of the single-number quantities are specified according to varying needs.
The rating of results from measurements carried out over an enlarged frequency range is described In AnnexA.
A method for obtaining single-number quantities for bare heavy floors according to their performance in combination with floor coverings is described in Annex 8.
An example of the calculation of a single-number quantity is given in AnnesC.
2 NormatIve references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced In ISO 717-2 and are indispensable for Its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (Including any amendments) applies.
ISO 140-7:1998, Acoustics — Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 7: Field measurements of impact sound Insulation of floors
ISO 10140-1, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 1:
Application rules for specific products
ISO 10140.3:2010,Acoustics — Laboratory measurement almond Insulation of building elements — Part 3:
Measurement of Impact sound insulation
ISO 10140-5, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 5:
Requirements for Lest facilities and equipment
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
single-number quantity for impact sound insulation rating derived from one-third-octave band measurements
value of the relevant reference curve at 500 Hz after shifting it in accordance with the method specified In this part of ISO 717
Note ito entry: This quantity is expressed in decibels.
slngie-numbcrquantityIorlmpactsound Insulation ratlngderlvedlromoctaveband measurements value of the relevant reference curve at 500 Hz after shifting it in accordance with the method specified in this part of ISO 717 reduced by S dB
Note Ito entry: Terms and symbols for the slngle-nu,nber quantity used depend on the type of measureineni.
Examples are listed In TahILI for impact sound Insulation properties of building elements and In Table 2 for
Impact sound insulation between rooms In buildings.
Note 2 to entry: in order to distinguish clearly between values with and without flanking transmission, primed symbols (e.g. L ) are used to denote values obtained with Ilanking transmission.
Note 3 to entry: This quantity is expressed In decibels.
weighted reduction in Impact sound pressure level
dif1ernce between the weighted normalized Impact sound pressure levels derived with a bare heavy reference floor or with a lightweight reference floor without and with a floor covering, obtained in accordance with the method specified In this part of Iso 717
Note 1 to entry: The quantity derived with a bare heavy reference Floor Is denoted byL.% and is expressed an decibels. Note 2 to entry: The quantity derived with a bare heavy reference floor is denoted by and is expressed in decibels. According to the type of reference floor It may be denoted by M,, AL(2•
spectrum adaptation term
value, in decibels, to be added to the single-number quantity to take account of the unweighted impact
sound level, thereby representing the characteristics of typical walking noise spectra
equivalent weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of a bare heavy floor
sum of the weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of the bare floor under test with the reference floor covering and the weighted reduction in impact sound pressure level of the reference floor covering obtained in accordance with the method specified in this part of ISO 717
Note Ito entry: This quantity Is denoted by L5,o and Is expressed In decibels.
La,, is the calculated normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference floor with the floor covering under test;
L,0 is the defined normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference floor (see TableA);
is the reduction in impact sound pressure level measured in accordance with
ISO 10140-1;
Is the calculated weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference floor with the floor covering under test;
L,)rOw is obtained from Lo in accordance with 4.11.
5.4 Statement of results
The single-number quantity 1L shall be given with reference to this part of ISO 717. The results of measurements shall also be given in the form o a diagram as specified in ISO 10140-1.
The uncertainty o1sL may also be stated, In this case the numbers shall be given to one decimal place.
AL =I89dB*0,8d8
Spectrum adaptation terms do not have uncertainty values of their own.
The reduction in impact sound pressure level measu red on a concrete floor slab as defined in ISO 10140-1 and the single-number quantity may only be used in connection with similar types of massive floors (concrete, hollow concrete, hollow bricks, etc.); it is not appropriate for use on other types of construction.
6 Procedure for evaluating the weighted reduction In impact sound pressure level by floor coverings on lightweight floors
6.1 General
The reduction of impact sound pressure level (improvement of impact sound Insulation], Lt,2.
Lt,3, of floor coverings when tested on one of the three lightweight reference floors as described in
ISO 10140.5 is independent of the normalized Impact sound pressure level of the bare reference floor
L5,11•0. L,t2,o and L3,0. respectively.
However, the weighted, normalized impact sound pressure levels of a lightweight floor with and without a floor covering depend on the LD value for the bare floor on which the floor covering is used. In order to obtain values for tiLçy, which are comparable between laboratories and especially which can be used to calculate the normalized impact sound pressure level of lightweight floors with the floor covering. It Is necessary to ielate the measured values of sLj, and s1Lj to the respective reference curves for the lightweight floors in ISO 10140-5.
ISO 717-2:2013 pdf free download
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