ISO 717-1:2013 download free.Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 1: Airborne sound insulation.
This part of ISO 717:
a) defines single-number quantities for airborne sound insulation in buildings and of building elements such as walls, floors, doors, and windows;
b) takes Into consideration the different sound level spectra of various noise sources such as noise sources Inside a building and traffic outside a building;
c) gives rules ror determining these quantities from the results of measurements carried out in one- third-octave or octave bands in accordance with ISO 10140-2, ISO 140-4, and ISO 140-5.
The single-number quantities In accordance with this part of ISO 717 are intended for rating airborne sound Insulation and for simplifying the formulation of acoustical requirements In building codes. An additional single-number evaluation In steps of 0,1 dB Is Indicated for the expression of uncertainty (except for spectrum adaptation terms). The required numerical values olthe single-number quantities are specified according to varying needs. The single-number quantities are based on results of measurements in one-third-octave bands or octave bands.
For laboratory measurements made in accordance with ISO 20140, single-number quantities should be calculated using one-third-octave bands only.
The rating of results of measurements carried out over an enlarged Frequency range is dealt within Annex B.
2 Nonnative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 140-4:1998. Acoustics — Measurement of sound Insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 4: FIeld measurements af airborne sound Insulation between rooms
ISO 140-5:1998, Acoustics — Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Port 5: Field measurements of airborne sound insulation of façade elements and façades
ISO 10 140-2:2010,Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building eJements — Part 2:
Measurement of airborne sound insulation
ISO 10848-2:2006, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of the flanking transmission of aIrborne and impact sound between adjoining rooms — Part 2: ApplicatIon to light elements when the junction has a small influence
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
single-number quantity for airborne sound Insulation rating
value, in decibels, of the reference curve at 500 Hz after shifting it in accordance with the method specified In this part of ISO 717
Note 1 to entry: Terms and symbols for the single-number quantity used depend on the type of measurement. Exampie are listed in Tabki. for airborne sound insulation properties of building elements and in Table 2 for airborne sound insulation in buildings in general, new single-number quantities are derived in a similar way.
spectrum adaptation term
value, in decibcls to be added to the single.number rating (e.g. R) to take account of the characteristics of particular sound spectra
Note I toentry: TWoxound spectra aredeflned (In one-third-octave bands and in octave bands) In this part oliSO7ll. Note 2 to entry: Annex A gives Information on the put-pose of Introducing these two spectrum adaptation terms.
The comparison shall be carried out as specified in IA.
Furthermore, two spectrum adaptation terms shall be calculated (see 4.5) based on two typical spectra within the frequency range as quoted above. These two terms may optionally be supplemented by additional spectrum adaptation terms covering (if need be and If measured data are available) a wider frequency range between 50 Hz and 5000 Hz.
4.2 Reference values
The set of reference values used for comparison with measurement results shall be as given in Table 3. The reference curves are shown in Figurel and Figurc2.
Table 3— Reference values for airborne sound
Frequency Rererence values
Hz Oitcthii-d’octave Octave bands
4.3 Sound spectra
The set ofsound spectra In one-thi rd-octave bands and octave bands to calculate the spectrum adaptation terms shall be as given In Table 4 and shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The spectra are A-weighted and the overall spectrum level is normalized toO da.
4.4 Method of comparison
To evaluate the results of a measurement made in accordance with ISO 10140-2, ISO 140-4, and ISO 140-S in one-third-octave bands (or octave bands), the measurement data shall be given to one decimal place.1) Shift the relevant reference curve in increments of I dH (0,1 dB for the exsression of uncertainty) towards the measured curve until the sum of unfavourable deviations is as large as possible, but not more than 32,0dB (measurement in 16 one4hird-octave bands) or 10,0 dB (measurement in S octave bands).
I is the subscript for the one-third-octave bands 100 Hz to 3 ISO Hz or the octave bands 125 Hz to 2000Hz.
are the levels as given in 43 at the frequency i for the spectrum I,
the sound reduction index, R6, or apparent sound reduction index, R, or normalized
sound level difference. D,, or standardized sound level difference. D,1r,j, at the measuring frequency t. given to one decimal place.
Calculate the quantity. XAJ with sufficient accuracy and round the result to an integer.2) The resulting spectrum adaptation term Is an Integer by definition and shall be Identified In accordance with the spectrum used, as follows:
C. when calculated with spectrum No. I (A-weighted pink noise); C. when calculated with spectrum No. 2 (A-weighted urban traffic noise).
NOTE I The spectra of most o(the usual prevailing indoor and outdoor noise sources lie In the range olspectra Nos. 1 and 2; the spectrum adaptation terms Cand C, may therefore be used to characterize the sound Insulation with respect to many types of noise. Guidelines for the relevant spectrum adaptation terms are given In AnnexA.
NOTE 2 Supplementarycakulattons of the spectrum adaptation terms may also be carried out for the enlarged frequency range (including 50 Hz • 63 Hz’ 80 Hz and/or 4 000 H z + 5000 Hz one-third•octavc bands or 63 Hz and/or 4000Hz octave bands). The relevant terms and spectra aregiven In Anncxb. An example of the calculation of the single-number quantity and the adaptation terms i.s given in AnnczC.
5 Statement of results
5.1 General
The appropriate single-number quantity R, R, or Di’. and both adaptation terms shall be given with reference to this part of ISO 717.
5.2 Statement of performance of building elements
Calculate the single-number quantity from one-third-octave bands only. State the two spectrum adaptaflon terms in parentheses after the 5ingle-number quantity, separated by a semicolon.
Rw(C:Ctj.)41(0:_5) dB
The uncertainty of the weighted single-number quantities may also be stated. In this case, the numbers shall he given to one decimal place.
Spectrum adaptation terms do not have uncertarnty values of their own.
5.3 Statement of requirements and of performance of buildings
Requirements shall be given with the single-number quantity according to 4.2 and 44 or be based on the sum of this value and the relevant spectrum adaptation term.
R+C 4SdB
(e.g. for façades) or
DnTW +C54dfl
(e.g. between dwellings).
The acoustic performance of buildings shall begiven in the relevant terms according to the requirements (see Annex A).
For field measurements in accordance with ISO 140-4 or ISO 140-S. it shall be stated whether the single- number quantity Is calculated from measuring results in one-third-octave bands or octave bands. In general, there can be differences between single-number quantities calculated from one-third-octave or octave band measurements of about ±1 dB.
ISO 717-1:2013 download free
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