ISO 887:2000 pdf free download

07-02-2021 comment

ISO 887:2000 pdf free download.Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general purposes General plan.
The International Standard specifies the full range of the nomiel dimensions of poduct-girade-A and -C plain washers for general-purpose bolts screws end nuts of nominal thread diemelers ranging horn 1 mm to 150mm indusive.
ISO 887 Is not applwable to washers for screw and washer assembhes in relation to hole diameters and thicknesses,
ormation on th. use of plain washers is given in arwieii A.
2 Notmativ r.terence
The toSowing normative document contains provisions which, Itwough reference ii this text, corwtute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of. any of these phcations do not apply. However. parties to agreements based on ISO 887 are encouraged to investigate the posstely of applying the most recent edition of the normative document indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normelive document referred to applies. Members of ISO arid IEC rrntain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 273:1979, Fasteners — Clearance holes A,, boSs and screws
3 Clearance holes
Th. clearanc, hole dianielers d1 for washers (see Figure 1) shall be chosen in accordance with those sp.cthed in ISO 273 as follows:
— fine series lot washers of product grade A and with a nominal thickness of less than 6mm, Le. lot nominal sizes c 39 iran;
— medium series for washers of product grade A with a nominal thickness equal to or greater than 8mm, i.e. for nominal sizes 39mm and for washers of product grade C.
NOTE The tolerances or clears holes gisen in ISO 273 to, Information are not pl-et, to pien washers of piodiuct grades A wid C. see cbuee 6.
4 OutsIde diameters
The ouside damei a2 *qshets (se Fçwe 1) shal be cbesin from th vaftiss 9Vefl ii TI. 1.
7 Preferrd combination. of plain-washer dimensions
The Prelerred Coflibiialiona ol nominal diiens 4 d2 and k for plain washers 0$ pro&cl grades A arid C (see Figure 1) are given in Table 3. The washers are divided into low series: small, normal, ler9 and dra laig., These series related to the saze cd the outside diameler 4.

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