SAE J2403DA:2020 download.Digital Annex of Medium/Heavy-Duty E/E Systems Diagnosis Nomenclature.
This revision includes new terms and definitions that have been created since the last revision.
1.1 Scope
SAE J2403DA is intended to supplement SAE J2403 by providing the content of Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 from SAC J2403 in a form that can be sorted and searched for easier use, It is NOT intended as a substitute for the actual document, and any discrepancies between this Digital Annex and the published SAE J2403 document must be resolved in favor of the published document. SAE J2403DA provides the content of Table 1 and Table 2 published in SAE J2403 into the single table in the ‘Term tab, while the ‘Recommended Term Definitions’ tab provides the content of Table 3 in
1.2 Purpose
SAE J2403 data is currently maintained in an Microsoft! Excel spreadsheet. The tables in SAE J2403 are generated from this spreadsheet, but information contained in SAE J2403 is not readily adaptable to other formats. The Digital Annex contains all of the terms and parameters contained in the database in a Microsoft! Excel format which can be
SAE J2403 is balloted on an as-needed basis. However, the SAE task force continually meets and approves new terms and parameters for inclusion in the spreadsheet. The information contained in this spreadsheet is provided in good faith, and although reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this publication. SAC International makes no warranty or representation. express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained herein. The use of any information contained in this spreadsheet is entirely at the risk of the user. Under no circumstances shall SAE International be liable for any costs, losses, expenses or damages (whether direct or indirect, consequential. special. economic or financial including any losses of profits) whatsoever that may be incurred
2. References
2.1 Applicable Documents
General information regarding this document is found in SAE J2403.
2.1 .1 SAE Publications
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale. PA 15096-0001.
SAE J1 587 Electronic Data Interchange Between Microcomputer Systems in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Applications
SAE J1930 Electrical/Electronic Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms – Equivalent to
SAC J1939-71—-Application Layer
SAE J1939-73—Application Layer – Diagnostics
SAC J1939DA -Digital Annex of Serial Control and Communication Heavy Duty Vehicle Network Data
SAE J2403 Medium/Heavy-Duty E/E Systems Diagnosis Nomenclature
3. Definitions
3.1 Terms Tab
The ‘Terms tab contains the data content presented in Table 1 and Table 2 in the SAE J2403 document.
Each row on the ‘Terms’ tab shows the relationship between a RECOMMENDED TERM, a specific ACCEPTABLE
USAGE involving the RECOMMENDED TERM, a PREVIOUS USAGE term that corresponds to the ACCEPTABLE
RECOMMENDED TERM may appear in multiple rows if there are multiple different PREVIOUS USAGE terms that
One way to read the data in a row on the ‘Terms’ tab: For the PREVIOUS USAGE term, the preferred terminology is the ACCEPTABLE USAGE text, which can be abbreviated using the ACCEPTABLE ABBREVIATION / ACRONYM USAGE text. The ACCEPTABLE USAGE text is based on or derived from the RECOMMENDED TERM.
Table 1 in SAE J2403 is created from the content in the ‘Terms tab by sorting the content by PREVIOUS USAGE. Table 2 is created from the content in the ‘Terms’ tab by sorting on the RECOMMENDED TERM first, and then by
3.1.1 Column Headings
The following columns are included on the ‘Terms’ spreadsheet. The spreadsheet data is initially sorted by RECOMMENDED TERM
The Recommended Term is the approved terminology that is the basis for constructing an Acceptable Usage term. A Recommended Term generally refers to a specific component, property, system, or sub-system, and it is the basis for constructing the terms that describe associated component, properties, or subsystems. PREVIOUS USAGE
The Previous Usage column shows different terminology known to have been used at some time in the past. The Recommended Term and the Acceptable Usage text should be used in place of the text in this column. ACCEPTABLE USAGE
This is the preferred terminology that should be used in place of the Previous Usage text. The Acceptable Usage uses or is derived from the Recommended Term in the same row. The capitalized text in the Acceptable Usage highlights the ACCEPTABLE ABBREVIATION / ACRONYM
This is the abbreviation or acronym that is accepted for use in place of the full Acceptable Usage text in the same row.
3.2 Recommended Term Definitions Tab
The ‘Recommended Term Definitions’ tab contains the data content presented in Table 3 in the SAE J2403 document.
Each row on the ‘Recommended Term Definition tab shows a RECOMMENDED TERM, its definition within the J2403 application scope, and the acceptable abbreviation or acronym to use in place of the RECOMMENDED TERM.
3,2.1 Column Headings
The following columns are included on the Recommended Term Definition spreadsheet. The spreadsheet data is initially sorted by Recommended Terms.
This is the Recommended Term for each row in the spreadsheet. There are many rows with the same Recommended Term, but the combinations of the other columns are unique for each row. RECOMMENDED TERM DEFINITION
This is the definition for the Recommended Term within the context of the industry applications in scope for J2403 ABBREVIATION / ACRONYM for RECOMMENDED TERM
SAE J2403DA:2020 download
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