SAE AMS 3046H:2020 download.Magnetic Particles , Fluorescent Wet Method , Oil Vehicle , Aerosol Packaged.
AMS3O46H adds information related to safety considerations (1.3) and deletes prior paragraphs related to Flammability (old
3.4.3), Container Head Space (old 3.4.4), and Container Pressure (old 3.4.6), and revises Acceptance Tests (4.2.1).
1.1 Form
This specification covers one type of fluorescent magnetic particles in the form of a mixed, ready-to-use suspension in an odorless, inspection oil vehicle and packaged in aerosol cans.
1.2 Application
This product has been used typically as the inspection medium in a wet, fluorescent magnetic particle inspection system as defined in AMS2640 or ASTM E14441E1444M, but usage is not limited to such applications.
1.3 Safety – Hazardous Materials
While the materials, methods, applications, and processes described or referenced in this specification may involve the use of hazardous materials, this specification does not address the hazards which may be involved in such use. It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure familiarity with the safe and proper use of any hazardous materials and to take necessary precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of all personnel involved.
1.3.1 Material Hazards
The hazard characteristics of each material shall be properly identified, and the manufacturer shall provide an SDS (safety data sheet) which contains all relevant safety information for the product.
1.3.2 Physical Hazards
Aerosol cans may have physical hazards, e.g., gas under pressure, flammability, that should be taken into consideration during storage and use. The user should learn of these hazards and take the necessary precautions.
3.1 Material
The prnduct shall be composed of durable fluorescent magnetic particles, which have been dyed or otherwise treated to attain the color specified, The particles shall be supplied mixed in the proper proportion with an inspection vehicle and packaged in aerosol cans.
3.1.1 Fluorescent magnetic particles shall confOrm to AMS3044.
3.1.2 Magnetic particle inspection vehicles shall conform to AMS2B41.
3.2 Storage Life
The product shall meet the requirements of 3.3 when tested at any time up to 12 months from date of manufacture.
The product shall conform to the following requirements; tests shall be performed on the product supplied in accordance with specified test methods, using a test suspension prepared by spraying the complete contents of several aerosol cans into a clean container to produce at least 1 quart (1 L) of suspension, agitating the aerosol cans frequently to exhaust all particulate material:
3.3.1 Contamination
The product shall show no evidence of foreign material, agglomeration, or scum, determined by visual examination of the test suspension at the following times:
3.3,1.1 During preparation of the test suspension as in 3.3. After mixing the test suspension, allowing itto stand for not less than 30 minutes, and agitating it slightly. During tests to determine other characteristics of the product.
332 Concentration
The concentration of fluorescent magnetic particles in the freshly-sprayed suspension shall be 0.15 to 0.30 mL of fluorescent magnetic particles in 100 mL of suspension, determined by mixing the test suspension thoroughly, filling a 100 mL graduated, calibrated, pear shaped centrifuge tube as specified in ASTM E709, allowing it to stand undisturbed for at least 30 minutes, and reading, on the calibrated tube, the volume of the particles settled from the suspension.
3.3.3 Sensitivity Ring Test
The product shall provide indications of at least the first seven holes of the test ring specimen defined by AS5282 when tested as follows: Place the ring on a 1-inch (25-mm) diameter copper bar and circularly magnetizing the ring in a standard magnetic particle inspection unit by passing 2500 A of direct current through the bar immediately before flushing the ring with the agitated test suspension that has passed the contamination (3.3.1) and concentration (3.3.2) tests. Examine the ring in a darkened area under UV-A illumination of at least 1000 pW/cm2 at the inspection surface. Visible light shall not exceed 2 foot-candIes (20 lx) at the inspection surface. UV-A sources shall meet the requirements of ASTM E1444/E1 444M.
Prepare a test specimen meeting the requirements of Figure 3. The shim test specimen consists of SAE 4130 (AMS6350) or SAE 4340 (AMS6359) steel heat treated to 180 ksi with surface finish 16 microinches (0.4 micrometers) or better. A type 3C2-234 shim conforming to AS5371 is epoxied to the center of the specimen with notches facing down. Magnetize and flush the specimen using a sample of agitated test suspension that has that has passed the contamination (3.3.1) and concentration (3.3.2) tests. Using the wet-continuous method, longitudinally magnetize the specimen in an alternating current (AC) field to achieve 30 to 60 gauss tangential field measured in accordance with ASTM E709. View the flaw indications in a darkened area under UV-A as defined in All three ring Indications shall be sharp and distinct. Background fluorescence around the flaws shall be of a level which will neither obscure the flaw indications nor cause difficulty in flaw detection. See Figure 4 for an example indication.
3,4 Aerosol Spray Cans
The aerosol cans selected for test shall be maintained at room temperature (70 F ± 5? (21 C ± 3 SC)) for not less than
12 hours prior to testing.
3.4.1 Sprayability and Leakage All aerosol pressure cans shall be equipped with a spray nozzle. The nozzle shall provide a fine, uniform, steady spray and shall deposit the product evenly on a flat, horizontal or vertical surface. No chunks of solids shall be expelled, and no clogging of the nozzle shall occur. The characteristics of the spray pattern and the performance of the spray nozzle shall be evaluated by vigorously shaking the can for not less than 30 seconds with the contained pellet sounding on each shake and by spraying the surface of black craft paper fastened to a vertical surface. The spray shall be performed in a stationary position at a standoff distance of 6 inches (15.24 cm) for a duration of 5 to 7 seconds. Examine the spray pattern under UV-A illumination. The spray pattern shall be uniform with no fluorescent dead zone in the center of the pattern. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable spare patterns are show in Figure 5. After spraying several patterns, the nozzle shall be examined for evidence of chunks or solids and clogging. The can shall then be immersed for not less than 15 minutes in water at 126 to 129 ‘F (52 to 54 ‘C). Exposure to heat will increase can pressure and failure or bursting is possible, heating in a protected water bath or burst proof enclosure is recommended. There shall be no visible evidence of leakage from, or distortion of, the pressurized container. The pressurized can shall then be immersed in water at 70 ‘F ± 5 ‘F (21 ‘C ± 3 ‘C) until the temperature has stabilized and, after vigorous shaking, two more patterns shall be sprayed. The spray characteristics shall have not changed and there shall be no chunking of particles or clogging of the nozzle. Performance of the heat exposure test by the aerosol packager fulfills the heat exposure test requirement.
8.1 Revision Indicator
A change bar (I) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.
8.2 Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917.
8.3 Dimensions and properties in inchlpound units and the Fahrenheit temperatures are primary; dimensions and properties in SI units and the Celsius temperatures are shown as the approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only for information.
8.4 Unless otherwise specified, the material producer shall work to the revision of this specification (AMS3046) in effect on the date of order placement. Unless otherwise specified, material manufactured and certified to the immediately previous revision of this specification (AMS3046) may be procured and used until inventory is depleted.
8.5 Purchase orders should specify not less than the following:
Size of aerosol containers desired (see 5.1.1)
Quantity of product desired
SAE AMS 3046H:2020 pdf free download
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