SAE AMS 6345E:2020 pdf free download.Steel, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 0.95Cr- 0.20Mo (0.28 – 0.33C) (SAE 4130) Normalized or Otherwise Heat Treated (Composition similar to UNS G41300).
AMS6345E is a Five-Year Review and update that revises analytical methods (3.1) and decarbunzation per general agreemerit(3.3.3), and prohibits unauthorized exceptions (, 36,4.4.2, 5.1, and 8.6).
1.1 Form
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of sheet, strip, and plate,
1.2 Application
These products have been used typically where welding and moderate tensile properties are required, but usage is not limited to such applications. Sheet and strip are extensively used where a minimum tensile strength of 180 ksi (1241 MPa) is required in sections up to 0.125 inch (3.18 mm) in nominal thickness and proportionately lower strength is required in heavier thicknesses.
The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.
3.2 Condition
The product shall be supplied in the following condition:
3.2.1 Sheet and Strip
Cold rolled, normalized or otherwise heat treated, and descaled if necessary, or hot rolled, normalized or otherwise heat treated, and descaled.
3.2.2 Plate
Hot rolled and normalized or otherwise heat treated. If allowed by the purchaser, cold rolled and normalized or otherwise heat treated.
3.3 Properties
The product shall conform to the following requirements. Hardness and tensile testing shall be performed in acCordance with ASTM A370:
3.3.1 Tensile Properties
The long-transverse tensile properties of the as-supplied product shall be as shown in Table 2 (see 8.2). Mechanical property requirements for product outside the size range covered by Table 2 shall be agreed upon between purchaser and producer and reported per 4.4.2.
3.3.2 Average Austenitic Grain Size
Shall be determined by either or Shall be ASTM No. 5 or finer, determined in accordance with ASTM E112. The product of a heat shall be considered to have an ASTM No. 5 or finer austenitic grain size if one or more of the following are determined by heat analysis (see 81): A total aluminum content of 0.020 to 0.050%. An acid soluble aluminum content of 0.015 to 0.050%. A vanadium content of 0.02 to 0.08%. A columbium content of 0.02 to 0.05%.
3.3.3 Decarburization of Each Lot
4.2 Classification of Tests
4.2.1 Acceptance Tests
Composition (3.1), conditIon (32), tensile (3,3.1), average grain size (3.3.2), decarburtzation (3.3.3). bending (3.3.4), response to heat treatment (3.3.5), frequency-seventy rating (3.41). and tolerances (3.5) are classified as acceptance tests and stial be performed on each heat or kit as applicable. If grn refining elements ( are not pesent, the ASTM £112 grain size test ( shal be oonducled on each lot
4.2.2 Periodic Tests
W grain refining elements ( are present, the ASTM El 12 rain size test ( shall be conducted on a penodic basis and stieS be peilomied at a frequency selected by the producer (not to exceed 1 year) Linlees frequency of testing is specified by purchaser.
4.3 Sampling and Testing
Shall be m accordance with AMS2370.
4.4 Reports
4.4.1 The producer of the product shell furnish with each shipment a report showing the producer identity, country where th steel was melted (e.g, final melt in the case of steel processed by multiple melting operations), resi.Ats of tests of each heat for composition, the average grain size. If measured, and frequency-seventy cleanliness rating, and the results of tests for tensie properties and hardness of each lot, and stating that the product conforms to the other technical requa’ements. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat and lot numbers. AMS634SE. product form, size, end quantity. If the grain size requirement of 3.3.2 is met by the aluminum, vanadium. and/or columbium content, the aluminum, vanadium, and/or cotumbium oontent shall be reported and a statement that the chemistry satisfies the grain size requirement shall be included.
4.4.2 When material produced to this specification is beyond the sizes allowed in the scope or tables, or other exceptions are taken to the technical requirements listed in Scbon 3, the report shell contain a statement “This material is certified as AMS6345E(EXC) because of the following exceptions:” and the specific exceptions shall be bated (also see 5.1).
4.5 Resampllng and Relesting
Shall be in accordance with AMS23TO
5.1 IdentifIcation
Shall be in accordance with AMS2807. When technical exceptions are taken (see 4.4.2), the material stieS be identified with
5.2 Protective Treatment
The product shalt be protecled from corrosion prior to shipment.
5.3 Packaging
The product shell be prepared for shipment in accordance with commercial practice and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging. and transportation of the product to ensure carrier acceptance and safe delivery.
Product nof conforming to the specification, or to modifications authoflzed by purchaser. will be subject to rejection.
8,1 Revision indicator
A change bar (I) located in the left margin Is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes. have been made to the previous issue of SAE AMS 6345E An (R) symbci to the left of SAE AMS 6345E tItle indicates a complete revision of the document. includrng technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.
6.2 The values shown in Tle 2 are those of MIL.S-18 729, ConditIon N, and have not been substantiated in accordance with AMS statistical analysis procedure.
8.3 Tensile strength to hardness conversions are presented in ASTM A370,
6.4 Hardness conversion tables for metals are presented in ASTM E140
8.5 Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARPI9I 7.
8.8 Dimensions and properties in inchIpoind units and the Fahrenheit temperatures are primary: dimensions and properties in SI units and the Ceissis temperatures are shown as the approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only toi’ information
8.7 Gainsze
The average grain size resulting from using the appropriate lest procedures per ASTM El 12 will satisfy an ASTM No. 5cr finer grain size when the elements defined in 33.2.2 as grain refiners are present. Other technical societies have adopted the verification of fine grain steel based on chemistry alone. Included are ASTM International (Documents A6. A20. and A29); American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Documents SA6. SA2O, and SA29): American Bureau of Shipping: CSA Group (Canada j: EuroNorm documents: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
66 It is the purchasers obga1ion to ensure that product they procure or resell as AMS6345E has any exceptions approved by their subsequent pischaser.
8.9 Purchase documents should specify not less than the foowing
Product form and size of product desied
Quantity of product desired
8.10 Unless otherwise specified, the malenal producer shall work to the revision of this specification (AMS8345) in effect on the dale of order placement. Unless otherwise specified, material manufactured and certified to the immediately previous revision of this specificatIon (AMS6345) may be procured and used until inventory is depleted.
8.11 SimIlar Specifications
AMS-S-16729 end M1L-S-18729 are listed for information only.
SAE AMS 6345E:2020 pdf free download
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