SAE J33:2009 download.Snowmobile Definitions and Nomenclature-General.
1. Scope and Purpose—This SAE Recommended Practice sets forth accepted definitions and terminology of maboc components and parts peculiar to snowmobiles.
Illustrations have been selected to identify functional characteristics and to identify common mechanisms. They are not intended to show all existing commercial machines or to be exactly descriptive of any particular machine. These criteria were prepared to facslitate clear understanding and promote uniformity in snowmobile nomenclature.
2. References
2.1 ApplIcable PublIcation—The following publication forms a part of this specification to the extent specified heroin. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PuBucArloN—Available from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
SAE J1038—Recomrnendations for Children’s Snowmobile
3. DefinitIons
3.1 SnowmobIle—A self-propelled vehicle intended for ott-road travel primarily on snow, having a curb weight of not more than 450 kg (1000 lb), driven by a track or tracks In contact with the snow, steered by a ski or skis In contact with the snow, with the following special classes:
3.1.1 CLASS l-Co.4PETmoN SNOWMOBILE—A snowmobile intended only for competition as stated and identified publicly by the manufacturer.
3.1.2 CLAsS Il-CHILDREN’s SNOWMOGILE—A snowmobile intended only for use by children, as stated arid identified publicly by the manufacturer. For a more detailed definition, see SAE J1038.
3.2 OperatIon WeIght—The total weight of a snowmobile induding a full load of fuel, oil, coolant, tool kit (supplied by manufacturer), and an 80 kg (175 Ib) operator.
3.3 Cu.t WeIght—The total weight of a snowmobile Inclucteg a tuft load of fuel. ad. coolant, arid tool kit (supplied by manufacturer), but without any occupants o cargo.
3.4 Unlacten Weight—The weight of a snowmobile without load. fuel, and ad, but comprising of all other malenais necessary for its operation.
3.8 FlotatIon Area (Bearing Ar.a)—The projection in a honzonlal plane of the area on the surface of the track and skis which contact the snow. To account for macrime penetration into snow, the proiectlon plane is located 75 nvn (3 In) above a nonyleldlng horizontal surface supporting the snowmobde while k’i a curt weight condition. (See side view Figure 1
3.6 SnowmobIle Cutter—A sleigh desigoed to be drawn behind a snowmobile.
4. SnowmobIle Dh,,enslonaf O.ffnftlon.—The dimensions listed are defined by Figure 1 and are to be taken with the snowmobile in an unladen weight condition on any unyielding horizontal surtace. wth the following exceptions:
4.1 Overall Length—The horizontal distance from the foremost part of the snowmobile, to include the bumper and slO or ala handles, to the rearmosi pest of the snowmoade. to Include the bumper or other fixed attaclvnenqs
4.2 Overall Height—The vertical distance from any unieklIng horizontal surface on which the snowmobile. in an unladen weight condition, rests to tie topmost tixod part of the uniaden snowmobile. incIug the wmdsl’ilefd
4.3 Overall WIdth—The horizontal dimension of the minimum aperture through which the snowmobile can pass.
4.4 Driver Position—The seated, loiward4acing position which Is necessary to operate the controls under normal operating condItions
4.8 Position (If provlded)—The seated. fonvaid4acilg position In the area in which adequate handgups have been provided
5. Nom.ncletw.—The terms bated as blows are illustrated in Figure 2.
1. Steering Control (NandleOar)
2. Console
3. Headlight Hi-Lo Beam Switch
4. Emergency Stop Switch (Electncal cut-oft br engine Ignition)
S. Throttle Control (Lever type)
8. Manual Statler Handle
7. SkI Wear Rod. Wear Bar (Reduces ski wear end greatly iloproves dkedflonai control)
S. Suspension (Slider andlor bogie wheel types)
9. Track (Cleated or moulded, propels vehicle)
10. Snow Flap (Deflects snow and debrie released by the rotating track)
11. HItch
12. Talllgf’itlBrake Light
13. RellectoraiSlde Masker Lights
14. Vehicle Identification Number (Right side of vehiole)
15. Rellector&Side Marker Lights
16. RunnIng Board and Footrest
17. Front Bumper
18. Headlight or Headlamp
19. Windshield
20. Brake Control
21. Handlebar Gnp
22. Seat
23. Passenger Hand Gra (Not used on all madilnes)
24. Rear Bumper/Lift Handle (Not used on all macl*ms)
25, Turwielor Frame
26! Nose Pan or Belly Pan
27. Hood. Cowl, or Shroud
28 Ski
29. Ski Suspension (tsatspilng type)
30. SkI Shock Absorber (Not used on all machines)
31. SkI Spindle or Sic’ Leg
fl SkI Handle or TIp
SAE J33 Reaffirmed MAR2009
Rationale—Not applicable.
Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not appbcable
Application—This SAE Recommended Practice sets forth accepled detinilons and termwiology of meor components and parts pecuIr to snowmobiles.
Illustrations have beei, selected to identity functional characteristics and ho Identity common medanlsms. They are not fritended le show all existing commercial mactunes or to be exactly descnptrve of any particular mactune. These criteria were prepared to facildale clear understanding end promote urifornuity In snowmobile nomendake
Reference Section
SAE J1038—Recommencletions f Clulidrens Snowmobile
Developed by the SAE Snowmobile Commitlee.
SAE J33:2009 pdf free download
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